Post your questions about the game here!

And as for Chief viewing this what....he has stated a number of times that if he wanted to come in here gleaning secrets he could quite easily do so without logging on......I wanted to spell annomonoussllyyy but gave up..........
I read somewhere that there isn't going to be any upper limit on the number of teams that we could create....Is that true for all platforms ?
I just hope the bowling pace actually looks realistic and not this loopy stuff other games have provided.. no sense of speed at all. Ashes 2009 and IC2010 had the worst animations -_-
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Surely that isnt possible now? And sure "the other game" will feel that they have a system and content in place that will be well received without them having to copy this or that? Anyway, I know at least one person who will be buying both games whatever content or systems they have in place.....
Well the control scheme will be the 'feel' of the game, and that's one of the key things that will identify it to consumers, the first impressions of the game are the batting and bowling controls and feel - whichver game gets that right may tip a lot of people who only get one game.

Copying is probably not the reason per se, but it certainly could give the respective marketing teams a good way of focusing on their control scheme's strengths if they knew a lot about their competition there. Wowing us on the first play is the best way to explain controls.
Yes I thought so....the files involved are minute apparently......

This is a feature I have been waiting for so long in a cricket game...Time to create all the ashes series starting from the 80s :yes

This is a feature I have been waiting for so long in a cricket game...Time to create all the ashes series starting from the 80s :yes

Indeed....wil be lovely to see the sublime locks of Bob Willis shunting back on his long march to the boundary with the air of someone invited to a tupperware party.....
This is a feature I have been waiting for so long in a cricket game...Time to create all the ashes series starting from the 80s :yes

I want to see how accurate people can make created players look, no doubt there will be heaps of them! I'm sure some will spend a lot of time on getting them right.

Hopefully editing kits will be easy on PC.
Well the control scheme will be the 'feel' of the game, and that's one of the key things that will identify it to consumers, the first impressions of the game are the batting and bowling controls and feel - whichver game gets that right may tip a lot of people who only get one game.

Copying is probably not the reason per se, but it certainly could give the respective marketing teams a good way of focusing on their control scheme's strengths if they knew a lot about their competition there. Wowing us on the first play is the best way to explain controls.

True. I wonder in how much it is great that two games are coming out now. Could be a question of both of them eating from each other as it were and in the worst case scenario both of them not being able to sell enough to continue development.....I am such a positive person....
True. I wonder in how much it is great that two games are coming out now. Could be a question of both of them eating from each other as it were and in the worst case scenario both of them not being able to sell enough to continue development.....I am such a positive person....
If we can have two management games on the market then surely we can have two simulators.
By implication does that mean no demo then, as if there was one you might as well discuss the mechanic before the game is on the shelf?

Unless I mis-understand by what 'on the shelf' means?

On the shelf means the date the first shop sells a copy of the game.

There will not be a demo version of the game.

Love it....that look on Beefy's face.....


On the shelf means the date the first shop sells a copy of the game.

There will not be a demo version of the game.

If you hear a knock on your door and answer it to find no one's Chief!:p (see the ask chief thread if you are mildly interested!)


This is a feature I have been waiting for so long in a cricket game...Time to create all the ashes series starting from the 80s :yes

Cant wait to make this.....

1980s cricket style guide, Bob Willis: scowl, big hair

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