Post your questions about the game here!

We haven't considered it in any of our games other than AFL which has a slight slope towards the centre.

What do people think? Is it something that would make a difference to you? (I would suggest we'd have to accentuate the slopes to make them noticeable in game)

Would be fantastic if possible Ross! :)
An absolutely huge risk - we have changed everything - it's a big gamble.

It had to be done though, the days of the red-dot on the pitch are long gone, there hasn't been progression in 15 years.

It definitely needed to be updated thats for sure and im glad you have done it, im just wondering Ross if you have included an easier control system for younger gamers as the controls sounds pretty technical and may be too hard for some? Most younger gamers might find the old marker on the pitch press one button to hit or bowl system better.
The will be help in the lower difficulty levels.
Any of the following in this game anyone know? So many features thus far, just no real concise answers on whether these little niggles are there. Really minor tbch.
#1: "groundskeeping" - attending to the wicket inbetween balls, having a jab and a poke, understanding it perhaps
#2: Test/ODI/t20 rankings IG - updating according to performances from people in game.
#3: Padding down - With a button to move the legs, is this an option
#4: Playing and missing - never been enough in the past games.
Hahah. Yeah ross why didnt u
What was the question? I don't want accidentally answer it now :p
Are we gonna have any visual of BA 14 next friday and will it be the last update of CA? Lol
What was the question? I don't want accidentally answer it now :p

Is that some kind of hint?!

Anyway, to put it in simple terms, are we going to have an option to write the team name on the kit in front, on a future CA update?
If you'd not thought of this, please think now... ;)
Ross, can we know how many downloads you have received for CA. Maybe that will help us understand the reach of the game pre-full marketing.
Is that some kind of hint?!

Anyway, to put it in simple terms, are we going to have an option to write the team name on the kit in front, on a future CA update?
If you'd not thought of this, please think now...

Now wait for the next few questions to be asked and answer them all - not a very good way to deal with things like this IMO...:rolleyes

Tell me this doesn't deserve an answer, and I'll ask you then why did questions which seemed even more irrelevant like

"Will we be allowed to walk in to the ground at the start of the match?"

got answered by you.

Or if you meant to answer it here -

I don't want accidentally answer it now :p

I didn't get you, please elaborate...

Sorry if I sounded rude, but I felt you were ignoring my question as you couldn't give a positive answer to it...

And to the admins - delete this post and ban me for "creating problems" for the Big Ant CEO Ross Symonds....
Ross can you talk (in some detail) about how momentum plays a role in this game??? Is it similar to this?
And to the admins - delete this post and ban me for "creating problems" for the Big Ant CEO Ross Symonds....

Im sure you are not brave enough to mean that. Kindly stick to your questions only.

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