Post your questions about the game here!

any support for 3d? Love to see a cricket game done decently in 3D :cheers
Hi Ross, if you release the game in October, or so, will it be worldwide or only first in Australia, as your rugby league game was only released about 3 to 4 months in south Africa after its initial release? Thus, if the same happen we would only get this game then around January 2014 in SA?
Is there anyway 2 add promotion and relegation 2 leagues in ca like in the county championship between division 1 and 2 sorry to ask again i just think it wld b a gd idea
Ross, How is the running implemented in the game? Is it the same mundane press one button to run, another to cancel and third to dive. Or is it something like this:

1) You have to press left right triggers alternatively. The frequency with which you press them and the attributes of the players would together determine the speed at which player would run.
2) Then we have to press both triggers at once to cancel a run.
3) Dragging the analog stick forwards would initiate a dive and dragging it backwards would result in dragging the bat in.

It might sound complected but it may make the running between the wickets a engaging affair rather than just a button press event.
Badly timed dives should result in scenarios like players diving from the half length of the crease would result in players remaining awfully short of the crease and thus they would have to get up and start running again.

On another note, can a batsman collide with a bowler who's in his follow through or positioned badly for a return throw? ;)

Disclaimer: Its all your fault Ross, you have raised the bar so much that we've moved on from the basics of a cricket game and simple wish of just getting a cricket game to such detailed requests :p

Any clarification on this Ross?
any support for 3d? Love to see a cricket game done decently in 3D :cheers

Cricket14 is not in 3D.

I believe the PS3 version of TTC is 3D (or at least it was early days) - I will check - MikeM?
Ross just a question regarding sounds in career mode!!

Now from memory you start in grade cricket or something like that? Obviously we're not going to be the same type of "feel" to the game if we're at a small little club ground as opposed to the MCG?

Actually considering you're taking the role of a player in career mode, will we even hear commentary? OR just the general ambience of a cricket match? (Little cheers, clapping, etc.)
Hi Ross, a while ago you said you were messing around with the Oculus Rift with this game. Is it still going to be a fetaure in this game or most likely Cricket 2015 or later iterations.

We have it working here but can't offer it in the game at release as we cannot be sure of the final form of the Oculus Rift.

If there is enough call for it then we will patch it in.


Hi Ross, if you release the game in October, or so, will it be worldwide or only first in Australia, as your rugby league game was only released about 3 to 4 months in south Africa after its initial release? Thus, if the same happen we would only get this game then around January 2014 in SA?

We have had significant interest from South Africa, I do not think there will be a significant delay, if any at all.
We have had significant interest from South Africa, I do not think there will be a significant delay, if any at all.[/QUOTE]

thanx very much, ye cricket gaming is big here, and I think you will be able to sell a few copies if it receive marketing attention here
Ross, 2 questions that occurred to me.

The first question has to do with how the game treats "shortened" matches.

Does the game treat events as happening as they are or will there be an element of acceleration?

By way of example: If you were to set test matches as being 10 overs per session (30/day) as opposed to the normal 30/90 session days; will everything happen at 3 times the normal rate. By which I mean player fatigue, pitch deterioration, ball wear etc. Or will the game treat it as 1 each "day" of play only takes ~2hrs to complete (ie - each day is only 1 session).

I can see arguments in favour of both approaches, the latter is more "realistic" (ie a 5 over old pitch/ball is worn the way it should be). However, personally I would favour the latter as it would allow you to play shortened matches while still having to manage your resources and deal with changing conditions. Bearing in mind that pretty much all sports games utilise the "accelerated" method. For example, in Fifa you would look to make substitutions around the 60 "minute" mark because you will have fatigued players. Their fatigue will be the same regardless of if you've played a match with 4minute halves or 45minute halves. I presume that RLL2 also used the accelerated fatigue (as otherwise most players would never need to make an interchange).

The second question is actually 2 fairly minor questions about no-balls, will the umpire occasionally not call a no-ball and then:
1) Will the umpire occasionally ask for a ball to be checked for a no-ball after a wicket
2) Will a review occasionally reveal that a no-ball has ben missed

Sorry for the long post, thanks for your time.

Hi Ross, sorry to quote my own post but just wondering if you could please answer this.

Yep, TableTop has 3D support - pretty mad when batting camera behind stumps and having a stump fly at your head.

Is the 3D in TableTop all about Depth or do we get to see some pop-out moments as well?? e.g. will that flying stump feel like its coming out of the tv at us?
We position it so the ball comes out of the screen just before the crease.

It's pretty cool as you see the ball in 3D coming at you, and as Mike says the stumps do go flying!
We position it so the ball comes out of the screen just before the crease.

It's pretty cool as you see the ball in 3D coming at you, and as Mike says the stumps do go flying!

That sounds awesome :D!! So far all 3D games just have depth but hardly anything popping out of the tv!
We have it working here but can't offer it in the game at release as we cannot be sure of the final form of the Oculus Rift.

If there is enough call for it then we will patch it in.

Now this is the best news we can have... Ross iam sure many are waiting to play this game on oculus.

N for the video coming plz doshow us batting cam...

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