I was at the footy with the manager of EB today but daren't bring it up - he wasn't in a good mood... it will be locked in soon.
Richmond supporter?
(Go the Blues!! )
I was at the footy with the manager of EB today but daren't bring it up - he wasn't in a good mood... it will be locked in soon.
No one in the family played Rugby - just me!
Living in Victoria I was the odd one out in the family, played Rugby from u10's until colts and would certainly grab the game with both hands if we get the opportunity
This would of realy make me happy!!!! Would love it someone takes the time to develop a Rugby game with so much effort that u have put into DBC, please tell me this has a real oppertunity of happening?
good god i hope so. it would be amazing.
BD.. from where did u find this whole Dhoni Thing ?? and the salt mine thing
BD.. from where did u find this whole Dhoni Thing ?? and the salt mine thing
He is just making them up. They were cool earlier, but this salt mine thing is for sure unsettling! And creepy.
Hey Ross I have looked around the forum and couldn't find this question. Will Graphics on computer lets say on max settings, look better than on console.?