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i sadly had a DBC dream last night (before anyone comments.. no it wasn't wet...)

In all seriousness... i reviewed a caught behind that the umpy gave not out.. it hit the glove on the way through and not the forearm as i presume thats why it was given not out...

It got me thinking.. in the actual game away from my dream land, would a ball slightly hitting the glove velcro show up as OUT on hotspot??

TBH i would be pretty amazed if the answer is yes!
If u play the nets with close camera and make the batsman invisible, only his bat, head, pads, toes and gloves shows while the rest of the body disappears. I believe those parts r down specifically because those are the most important parts to show if the ball is hitting those areas or not. So yes, i will be vet surprised if ball touching the glove velcro isnt given out.
Correct. You would be out.

With that said, the umpires don't give all edges out to allow for the opportunity to review.. so that would be the same for a deflection of the gloves etc?

.. How is it determined what the umpire gives out vs not???

A clear edge to slips would have to be given out 99/100.. versus say a bat pad... or a inside edge lbw ... in the umpy programmed to recognise a close call.. and give not out or out accordingly?
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With that said, the umpires don't give all edges out to allow for the opportunity to review.. so that would be the same for a deflection of the gloves etc?

.. How is it determined what the umpire gives out vs not???

A clear edge to slips would have to be given out 99/100.. versus say a bat pad... or a inside edge lbw ... in the umpy programmed to recognise a close call.. and give not out or out accordingly?

There is a degree of randomness that has more chance of a wrong decision the closer the call. Overall very few decisions are incorrect but just enough to make you think about it.
Ross, can this matter be taken into consideration given there is some enough time before release: as I asked this question once before that I forgot my password for my cricket academy username and had to reset for which I got a password through my email. Now I want to change this password to something I can remember, for which I don't find any option. Can we have that option in the game. If the actual game have this option then I am not worried about it.
It's not an issue on console, we may put password change etc. in later CA's but it's not a priority.
There is a degree of randomness that has more chance of a wrong decision the closer the call. Overall very few decisions are incorrect but just enough to make you think about it.

So the degree of randomness is same of all the decisions? that seem tad unreal because ideally it should be different for fine edges and thick edges. Maybe you can set a degree of deflection after edges as a limit. Lets say if defection is just 5 degrees and below then chances of wrong decisions are high and they would go down as degree of deflection increases.
So the degree of randomness is same of all the decisions? that seem tad unreal because ideally it should be different for fine edges and thick edges. Maybe you can set a degree of deflection after edges as a limit. Lets say if defection is just 5 degrees and below then chances of wrong decisions are high and they would go down as degree of deflection increases.

That seems to be what I said.... "more chance of a wrong decision the closer the call"
There is a degree of randomness that has more chance of a wrong decision the closer the call. Overall very few decisions are incorrect but just enough to make you think about it.

are there any plans in future iterations to introduce an umpire ability attribute which will influence the likelihood of incorrect decisions?
are there any plans in future iterations to introduce an umpire ability attribute which will influence the likelihood of incorrect decisions?

We could easily do it but I can only think it would be frustrating for players, maybe funny if you're playing and drinking with mates but still frustrating I would think.

I don't think we'd like to have umpires that we couldn't trust...
We could easily do it but I can only think it would be frustrating for players, maybe funny if you're playing and drinking with mates but still frustrating I would think.

I don't think we'd like to have umpires that we couldn't trust...

well i'm not sure we want a "Darryl Harper" figure getting everything wrong, so certainly we want a level of minimum competence, but I do think it would be interesting to have some variation, and make the use of reviews more challenging? maybe to have a control on whether we want umpire variation switched on/off?

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