Ok Rudi just show me one post where Loco questioned me?
I am surprised that Rebel was expecting an explicit response from the mod as to why Sodium was replaced. This stage of the game of is nowhere near enough time to have a scum read on someone though, whether in the case of Sodium based on what he posted, or Rebel thus far. Quite early to be throwing accusations about IMO.
What are the chances you are trying to frame me by killing FP?
he will try and make this a setup on him, but read the game and you will see exactly what I mean.
Those who showed resistance were jumped upon and made out like they don't know how to play the Mafia game
@Rebel2k17 ^ Exactly what I said you will do I have to admit that I am disappointed that you still post this ^ regardless of the fact that I stated you will do this.And you realize 2 kills wouldn't be in my hands alone if I was an anti town? So you indirectly accusing me and holding me responsible for both the kills seems like a desparate attempt to frame me.
First Sodium and now me. I am David "Tweener" Apolskis a Vanilla Townie. I'm confident Sod bailed because of being a townie. Don't know why so many players feel some sort of injustice upon receiving the role of a Vanilla Townie.