Im always suspicious of people who talk setup, it's a common way anti-town types post and seem active without offending anyone.
The standard Vig role is optional kill (you may..) if it was compulsive, x-shot or the like it would say so, being an open setup. The fact we are discussing this is exactly why scum like discussing and putting ambiguity into it. It leads to less fruitful discussion.
Sure, I even said I didn't think he was lying. But again, 'be careful with a lynch' is kinda filler. Especially not to get a bit more specific with advice for the role concerned, ie the Vig.
Give me a break loco, last night I killed someone!
Give me a break loco, last night I had to kill someone
The words 'had to' and a smiley (and ed) are the only difference. They way you say, what you say and what you omit is open to interpretation. I'm sure in a serious chat one statement would be a call to the police, the other prob not so much...
Anyway, will leave this now and get back to more fruitful discussion I'll give you the last word on this