Punk's Download Thread - Punks Hard Gameplay V1?

Hey Punk, i've just seen your first bat from scratch and it's very good. Your starting to get most of the aspects of making bats. the only problem is is that it doesn't look like a real as bat :p.
lol cheers but um can u tell me how to use that polygon tool i mean how can i ioutline and stuff its a polygon? and drew please tell me how to get the right fonts and stuff please help me
Ok you want to make a outline around text and stuffs then just double click on the particular layer and the following window should open


Then click on stroke option from side and select the colour you want.


Adjust the size to get the desire outline.
um prob wen i double click somthing else comes up so i go on the toolbar on the top and and click layer and all the options are blunded out so i cant click them and only one i can click is hide all affects
its ok i looked up on a site and no how to do it but reps for for trying to help cheers
Ok i aint been makin downloads but i thought id av a go on the G&G One Day stumps they dont look as precise but still here u go...
dunno i just dont kno what to make wen i get somthing to make ill try it but for now got my storys and stuff

hey Farukh join Heros XI
hey check these bats there my own personal ones some of the pics are stretched i done a cheap collage but they good...

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