Punk's Download Thread - Punks Hard Gameplay V1?

alright Chimp post ya bat i think im nearly done with kit can figure out the how to get logo on both collars

Okay here you go Chimp but i couldnt do the collars i got confused hope u will like the rest and i never edited cap coz it looked the same soz i tried hope u like i'll prob do better job on bat...

P.S: Guys i want your opinion i was thinking of doing a English batpack lik GN,GM,Newbury,Fearnley and some Huns County shold i do it will u guys use them?


  • Warwicshire FC Kit.zip
    106.2 KB · Views: 10
great kit, but can you make it short sleeved and move the liverpool victoria logo up and round ?
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it is short sleeved aint it and i dont know how to do that i'll need time to find it out and i limited on time i have GCSEs and do you think i should try this English Batpack?
by english face pack, do you mean county bats, because burma finest has already done the main pack
i meant bats not faces and he aint done all of them Hes only done some i can do the old Slazengers and stuff if you like
if you made the county bats and assigned them to the right players it would be good
i dont know how to assighn them but you can do that with Player Editor V3 and ive made Laras yellow grip Belta Yellow grip and Ihsan Rocky and loads of others and there are some that arnt in tit some old GNs and stuff
doubt it mate sorry but post ur bat and btw can u take the Knight pic of its a bit big makes the page messy lol
lol, i deleted the message, alot easier. I cant post pics of my bat atm because i need to get a cd-r/rw so i can put the videos i recorded and the pics on it. none of the camera shops could do it :( I can take pics on my webcam of the bat, or i can just tell you what it is, the bat is a woodworm wand, yellow grip and nick knights auto-graph on the back bottom
i can get pics 2moz after half 3, im goin 2 bed now so i ll post pics 2moz at bout 4 - half 4
i have pics i have made it now i need to take pics

What bat shall i replace?
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can i see a screenshot of the bat first. my schools shut lol, the waters broken a water leak
punk sk8r said:
im not making rosters mate or are you talking about Mohommed Asif which i can give u seperatly and then u can import it to ur roster with player editor v3

are those players already ingame if so just go to my cricket and then take them out of the team there in and replace them for warwickshire players

the thread u've made in cricket stories about india pakistan series could u give me that roster file plz as it looks updated,
i dont want u to make a roster or anything,
just send me ur current one plz
gambino said:
the thread u've made in cricket stories about india pakistan series could u give me that roster file plz as it looks updated,
i dont want u to make a roster or anything,
just send me ur current one plz

dont have anu new roster with Asif its Tutsis 1.1 and i created Mohammed Asif so i can upload him

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