Release Date situation insight from reviewer perspective

Assassin Creed is very like the prince, would love to see a new game with AC3 engine.:thumbs
Is it 'Za pages' or 'Zap ages'? I prefer the latter.

It's Zapag es - Zapag being the standard nickname for people with the surname Zapatero in Spain, and es for "espana" - Zapatero being a common surname in Castille.

much like my name is pronounced block erdave, which is a common nickname for people who can make up seemingly plausible nonsense at the drop of a hat.
^ And I thought it had something to do with your blocking abilities as a batsman :rolleyes
you got that up extremely quick... I'm just grateful I wasn't suggesting Ross bribe reviewers with bottles of 12 year old scotch...
Never mind Blocker, you are squeaky clean. Oh hang on...

Whilst Blocker is dreaming of women in shampoo adverts...

my wife has a little saying, which she usually brings out when i've made a slightly too honest comment about some girl in a shampoo commercial and what i'd do given half a chance and then say i was joking...

"in every joke some truth" seems that there might be more than meets the eye to his home relationships, especially factoring in his wife's saying...

i love my wife, my teddy bear, and that's about it.
...and he's not stopping his fantasies at inanimate objects:

i have a tiny penis and a fetish for hedgehogs...
A bit disappointing to see the reaction towards someone who has taken the time to register and post their thoughts. If every member is dismissed for posting something that has "already been said" it will make this a very unfriendly and unwelcoming place.

Thank you Zapages for posting your thoughts and I, for one, found them an interesting read.

Also let's move on from the knob gags please. This is meant to be a cricket forum.


Edit: while I'm at it sigs should have one quote in at most and some of you could do with changing them as per my above comments...
@blockerdave what's more embarrassing about the quote? The announcement of your fetish and biological makeup, or the fact that you used a lower case 'i' to represent yourself?
@blockerdave what's more embarrassing about the quote? The announcement of your fetish and biological makeup, or the fact that you used a lower case 'i' to represent yourself?

I think a very quick look at my post history would show that I like to post in all lower-case, though the grammar is usually irreproachable otherwise. even in this post if not for auto correct all the "i's" would have been lower-case.


Whilst Blocker is dreaming of women in shampoo adverts...

It's not just shampoo adverts, and it's not just inanimate objects or hedgehogs. Like the Bishop of Bath and Wells, "animal, vegetable or mineral, I'd do anything, anything".
Also let's move on from the knob gags please. This is meant to be a cricket forum.
Completely agree on this. My autofill is now looking very weird after all the things I typed in to try to catch Blocker out. I think it would be a relief for everybody if we could move on to sex jokes (just joking Barmy).

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