Super 8: 20th Match England v India

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I do hate Bhaji, a batsman changes his stance and he just doesn't bowl. Spoilt nasty piece of work, never liked him.
I sense a bit of anguish. :p Fair play to him, I say. If Broad can point at fielders during his run-in surely Bhajji isn't that bad. ;)
Phill Mustard anybody. :D

Shut it. He'd have made things worse.

England are crap. But at least we've got more than 100 on the board. Shouldn't affect our net run rate too much

Cheers again Harbhajan, lovely stuff. 153 with 1 ball to go. Lovely misfield from UV as well :D
Can't even believe this! The same team which spanked our poor Zak like anything......Good God! Not even 150. Looks like we are going to win this.
What a tame end to the innings. 25* from 27 balls for Mascheranas, and he still gets support from Lloyd. What a bell-end. Napier should definitely have been picked. England lose.

Broad's pointing > Bhajji pulling out every other fecking ball. At least we don't have to see him run up again ffs. I hate cricket.
154 off 120 needed for India.

India by 7 wickets, as per my original prediction.

Harbhajan is a prat.
I don't care I love motorsport and England piss me right off. Still love em though.

Harbhajan is an absolute nobhead though. Lovely sportsmanship from him there...
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