Super 8: 20th Match England v India

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Didn't know the English hate the Indians so damn much that they get hard and salivate at the thought of India losing. I certainly don't hold the same feelings about the English. Why do you have to be so insecure? It gets annoying at times just seeing the same bullshit thrown back and forth.
Jadeja (and Dhoni's decision to send him in) lost the game for us. We deserve this! In the end, we lost by just 3 runs. What a difference Jadeja (and that last 5 run wide by Bhajji) has made!!!!

Some f****** idiots hate India because of our celebrations. We will celebrate it the way we have always done. You can go and suck whatever you want but WE WILL CELEBRATE IT THE WAY WE WANT TO! We still came close to pulling this off. Being the guys who invented the game, you guys struggle against almost all teams, havent won a damn World Cup so far and these bull crap fans SPEAK!!!

calm down, Sai. It is just the matter of seconds that a T20 can turn around. But our bowling and fielding standards have been poor.

How can you blame Jadeja when guys like Rohit, Raina, Gambhir struggled to place the short pitched deliveries? Atleast, Jadeja was trying to put those short pitched ones. His singles contain many big shots but unfortunately none reached the ropes.

It's not the case with other batters.. What the hell, Gambhir was doing? Though he survived till 10th over, did he make any difference? Our top order went clueless to the short pitched ones and thus leaving too much work for Yuvi,Dhoni and Pathan.

In all aspects, India deserved to loose this and take a good lesson from this.
HAHHAHA idiot! How you planning on celebrating this one? Burning some effigys of Jadejda? Sending out a firing squad to get rid of Dhoni? You talked yourself up so much that you were nearly in the sky, but you know what? Your in the sky anyway cos your flying home matey!

Dude wtf, grow up. If that's what you think of Indian fans then you really need to grow up. Some of you are really showing some insecurity. We don't get this happy when England lose, or even when Pakistan lose.
I actually feel sorry for Jadeja. He bowled so well but nobody is going to remember that.
Didn't know the English hate the Indians so damn much that they get hard and salivate at the thought of India losing. I certainly don't hold the same feelings about the English. Why do you have to be so insecure? It gets annoying at times just seeing the same bullshit thrown back and forth.

Nah, it was just the constant UV King of Sixes, etc, rubbish, that we have had to endure in cricket chat since the last 20/20 world cup. Personally found it a cracking game and India played pretty well, just really enjoying rubbing it in certain members faces :D
We have to blame ourselves, they were poor at fielding and in batting. They should know how to play bouncy balls. We should not blame Jadeja as he has not much expierienced. UV should come up in place Jadeja. Bad decision again by Dhoni.
Grow up, some of the people in this thread having a go at India. It was a bloody close game and crowing about it just makes England look bad.
Well played India and bad luck.

I know i'm being a very bad winner Colin, but some of their fans absolutely deserve it. Especially the berks who booed our team before. Not booing anymore are we lads?

We obviously won't win the tournament nor will we win the Ashes, so it's good to celebrate moments like this when they happen.
HAHHAHA idiot! How you planning on celebrating this one? Burning some effigys of Jadejda? Sending out a firing squad to get rid of Dhoni? You talked yourself up so much that you were nearly in the sky, but you know what? Your in the sky anyway cos your flying home matey!

Yes idiot! We know how to react to these kind of situations idiot! Its not our fault if you're not used to our style of celebrations and reactions, YOU IDIOT!
Gayle will get you guys tomorrow! Grrrr!!! Disgusting! Someone arrest jadeja,dhoni,harbhajan and foster(for company)! it was all dhoni's fault! And suresh raina's and gambhir's and yuvraj's and lalit modi's!
I Think England fans should calm down because when you lose the ashes to Australia then the Indian fans will be gunning you down after.

After all its just a game!
Didn't know the English hate the Indians so damn much that they get hard and salivate at the thought of India losing. I certainly don't hold the same feelings about the English. Why do you have to be so insecure? It gets annoying at times just seeing the same bullshit thrown back and forth.

To be fair Shrav you're a good lad, but it's this UV bollocks that winds us up. Especially when he's just a fat fail.
Nah, it was just the constant UV King of Sixes, etc, rubbish, that we have had to endure in cricket chat since the last 20/20 world cup. Personally found it a cracking game and India played pretty well, just really enjoying rubbing it in certain members faces :D

So what? Yuvraj has had a fantastic tournament. He can't get fifties every single match. It's not humanly possible. I should have never started the UV! King! thing... Some people take it too seriously, from both sides. I don't think Yuvraj is that good. That's why I said it the first time anyway, just to make a big deal out of nothing.
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