Super 8: 20th Match England v India

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Well now you can say the IPL is a failure it was meant to improve batting and bowling for Indian players but after today none of them could play the short ball.

Wasn't anyone bowling short in South Africa?
This game showed Dhoni's captaincy isn't as good as it's claimed to be.

Dhoni's captaincy? How would be he responsible when batters failed to dislodge the short pitched ones? Should he send his boys to some training institute for these :rolleyes: And those 10 gifted runs? Whose mistake is that? Dhoni should send his boys to some training institute again to teach bowling? Or he should send the same boys to training institute to learn fielding?

It's the total team effort to loose. No individual is responsible for this. It is just ridiculous to claim that this individual has let the team down.
Well now you can say the IPL is a failure it was meant to improve batting and bowling for Indian players but after today none of them could play the short ball.

Wasn't anyone bowling short in South Africa?

Lol, dude, they've played 4 matches. 4 matches doesn't represent a failure. If you don't like the IPL, ok, but extrapolating such random information just makes me lol.
HAHAHAH Chin up Indian fans! All of you think you're the dogs bollox and how you are so great but no go home and eat some humble pie cos you deserve it!! WHEYYYYY!!!

how can you judge him,from a single game,just answer me!!,
yes it a another fault by Dhoni,and some of our fellow fielders,but we have nothing to do!!loss is a loss
Btw ashes is coming:spy
Nah, I understand why the members from England are having a go at the Indians. Its something but obvious. Many Indian members also had a go at them a while ago. They felt, if they cheer for Yuvraj, they are somehow or the other Booin' English members on the site.

eg :

Now, when Enlgand members have their chance, they are bound to retaliate.

Nothing like a bit of humility. Anyway that is me done for the night. Don't give two hoots now, lol. Bad luck to you genuine Indian fans out there who have half brain, must say I never thought we would win it
Yeah the UV king of fail stuff is class but let's not start personal abuse. Just stick along the lines of the general theme of fail and how India are kings of this. Especially UV.
Nah, I understand why the members from England are having a go at the Indians. Its something but obvious. Many Indian members also had a go at them a while ago. They felt, if they cheer for Yuvraj, they are somehow or the other Booin' English members on the site.

eg :

Now, when Enlgand members have their chance, they are bound to retaliate.

We had a go at Broad. We never had a go at England as a whole! I dont mind if Yuvraj was ridiculed, teased or whatever, but these guys go at INDIA! India is always a better team than England, even though the result today was in favor of England.
Nah, I understand why the members from England are having a go at the Indians. Its something but obvious. Many Indian members also had a go at them a while ago. They felt, if they cheer for Yuvraj, they are somehow or the other Booin' English members on the site.

eg :

Now, when Enlgand members have their chance, they are bound to retaliate.
lol I was not going at England. I just love UV and I still and will always love him. Afterall he has great tournament. It was only India who didn't play well.
Nah, I understand why the members from England are having a go at the Indians. Its something but obvious. Many Indian members also had a go at them a while ago. They felt, if they cheer for Yuvraj, they are somehow or the other Booin' English members on the site.

eg :

Now, when Enlgand members have their chance, they are bound to retaliate.

Spot on mate. It's Indian fans like you who are suffering from the reputation of others.
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