Super 8: 20th Match England v India

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We had a go at Broad. We never had a go at England as a whole! I dont mind if Yuvraj was ridiculed, teased or whatever, but these guys go at INDIA! India is always a better team than England, even though the result today was in favor of England.

Lol, dude, why do you always make it worse. You're just giving them more to feed off of.
how can you judge him,from a single game,just answer me!!,
yes it a another fault by Dhoni,and some of our fellow fielders,but we have nothing to do!!loss is a loss
Btw ashes is coming:spy

He hit six 6's in one game two years ago and people still haven't shut up about it. That's why people are going to judge him on this one game.
I'd also like to say it's not as if we're victimising India here; the backlash we got from the Holland defeat was no different to this now.
Alright, moments gone now, sorry about that :p. It must have been a superb effort by the English to actually beat a team who are pretty good! England death bowlers bowled very well and I'm glad Broad didn't bowl the last over :p, With Pathan in it was all still possible but what has happened to Dhoni for you lads? he's not such a hero anymore?

Ahh well, I look forward to tomorrow evening, and if we do i'll drink to it for the lads!
He hit six 6's in one game two years ago and people still haven't shut up about it. That's why people are going to judge him on this one game.

yeah he has and we wont. people still dont shut up about gary sobers six sixes so why the hell should we?
Today was probably the best day ever.
I am so glad that India because they always think that they are better then everyone but at the end of day they got beat by England and get kick out the T20 world cup.
Thank you England for shutting them up:rolleyes:. And how dare the India fans Booing England:mad:
Lol, dude, they've played 4 matches. 4 matches doesn't represent a failure. If you don't like the IPL, ok, but extrapolating such random information just makes me lol.

Well two seasons have been completed in the IPL and surely you would think India should be able to learn techniques from players around the world and the short deliveries but after today theyve just looked the same they have always been with the short ball.

For that reason im saying the IPL has been a failure doesn't mean I don't like it!
Dhoni's captaincy? How would be he responsible when batters failed to dislodge the short pitched ones? Should he send his boys to some training institute for these :rolleyes: And those 10 gifted runs? Whose mistake is that? Dhoni should send his boys to some training institute again to teach bowling? Or he should send the same boys to training institute to learn fielding?

It's the total team effort to loose. No individual is responsible for this. It is just ridiculous to claim that this individual has let the team down.

Bowling Yuvraj. That was a bad move, and sending Jadeja up the order was stupid. I'm not blaming Dhoni for this loss but this just proves he isn't that great of a captain too me.
Yeah the UV king of fail stuff is class but let's not start personal abuse. Just stick along the lines of the general theme of fail and how India are kings of this. Especially UV.

KIng of fail,are you talking about england,not a single cricket expert will call it.just compare the statistics in past 1 years
India is 1000 times better than England
Matt I hope you don't mind. Iron Mike got forced out for that.

Not even that fussed tbh, just nice to see a few people get upset.

It's better if the hosts do alright anyway.
yeah he has and we wont. people still dont shut up about gary sobers six sixes so why the hell should we?

Because that was the first time it had ever been done and it wasn't in a format that encourages boundaries. Plus Sober's is a legend and Yuvraj isn't.
Well played England - the better team out there today. England wanted it more, their fielding was sharper, and so was their bowling, India were the lesser team and didn't deserve to win.

Not going to blame Jadeja - like someone said earlier, he excels in the longer version of the game, not T20s, so he shouldn't have been picked in the first place.

Also, the reaction of the English fans over here is just enough, to an extent - there are tons of Indians fans worldwide who act like morons when it comes to cricket, and I think this tournament shows that India still have a good deal of work to do before they can claim to be the best side in the world.
Because that was the first time it had ever been done and it wasn't in a format that encourages boundaries. Plus Sober's is a legend and Yuvraj isn't.

still doesnt change the fact that people talk about someone who hit six sixes.
Well two seasons have been completed in the IPL and surely you would think India should be able to learn techniques from players around the world and the short deliveries but after today theyve just looked the same they have always been with the short ball.

For that reason im saying the IPL has been a failure doesn't mean I don't like it!

Yeah, but the IPL isn't to correct your technique. That's the problem I guess. It's just to "unearth" talent and make India better at Twenty20 cricket. But when it comes right down to it, you can't teach players how to perform under the pressure of the possibility of going out of a World Cup (albeit less important than the real one). The T20WC is simply too short for any training or practice to fully ensure that you will win it.
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