TAOC - Commentary Lines

He seems to see the ball like a football
that hit will stay a hit
he is cutting the ball like a spinner
what a six! what a six!
how much did he recieve from the bookies or playing this bad
xyz strikes back with a bang (comeback after early downfall)
ball just whizzed by the commentry box
he just defended the ball but it ran away for four............i tell you this guy times the ball better than the 8 o clock news
whered the ball go .....ouh its in the fielders hans.......now whered the batsan go.....well must be in the dressing room
Mick take on other cricket games:

Commentator 1 after boundary: He looks in fine form

Commentator 2: How can you say that, he has been in for less than 10 balls.


Commentator 1: Ooo, he looks hurt, he may not be able to continue

Commentator 2: He has been hit on the pad by a 50mph off spinner, oh the humanity.
i've seen better shots in a bar.
put your seatbelts on this boy can't drive
'you couldn't cut the ball better if you had scissors'
'runs across the square for 4'
'down the track and over the stand'
'is it me, or did the ball yell in pain?'
'that ball was hit harder than a naughty child'
these are some quality cricket sledges im going ot use next year. Essex league better wathc out.
'call him a taxi because he can't drive'
'he's swinging like the 60s'
'throw him a piano, see if he can play that'
'he's batting like a polo,all edge no middle'
"Straight down the ground ....wonderful shot...all the way for six...what a player!!!"---tony greig or geof boycott on sachin tendulkar in the 1998 sandstorm affected sharjah qualifying game against the aussies when sachin sent a ball into the stands...my personal favourite...
Will it have commentary like they have on Test Match Special, when they are bowling the commentator says "he's in, he bowls" and then commentate on what happens from there.
Probably been said already but;

"This pitch is as rough as my mum".

"This pitch has got more cracks than a brothel."

What do you mean they are rude? :o
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No joke, what the hell is wrong with you? I cannot believe........you forgot to add a full stop after the second commentary line. :noway Disgraceful!

'On the last day, this pitch will be more dangerous than staying over at Michael Jackson's house. This pitch has more cracks showing than a builder's union'.

Well, you just added it!
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As I mentioned in the Fake Names thread it would be good to get this thread active again. To help move things along I got manee's wonderful Commentary Lines document and added most of the lines posted in this thread from other people at the bottom. I am too tired right now to sort them but I'll post it up anyway so work can resume on writing lines (remember the more lines the better the commentary will be)


  • Commentary Lines.doc
    112.5 KB · Views: 32
"The pitch is flatter than Kiera Knightley, and with less bounce too."

But in all seriousness...

For 'edge but not to hand'

"...through the slip!"

"...just wide of the first/second slip"

For 'caught by silly fieldsman'

"Now the fieldsmen are appealing...and its given out!"

"Now the fieldsmen are appealing...and the umpire raises the finger."

For "skied ball doesn't go anywhere."

"Big top edge..."

"...and it lands in no man's land."

"...and it lands safely, he's lucky to get away with a shot like that!"

For "fantastic jump in the air catch."

"...and dropp...no he's caught it!"

"What a sho...no, what a catch!"

"BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHRRRRR! <PLAYERS NAME>! What a catch!" (The broahr needs to be really 'throaty' :p)

For 'four runs general'

"Four runs...but down the glasses!"

"Brilliant...just brilliant."
Something along the lines of:
"and there's a chase on for the <insert fielding position here> fielder here."
followed by:
"and he hauls it in just inside the rope, and they've come back for two/three runs"
"but the ball's won that one. Four more runs to the score."

I would really like this to be included because in most other games it's obvious the moment the ball is hit whether it's going to the boundary, whereas in real life it's often very uncertain.
indelible scenes at the "name of ground here" > term coined by yours truly
"its a capactiy crowd"
if a fielder dives "MAN DOWN"
After the ball beats the edge.

'That was closer than a Gillette razor!'

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