The 2008 Beijing Olympics Thread


By The Time I Type this message, Usain bolt, the world's fastest man has reached his goal by a margin!:D..:D..

Congrats to the World's Fastest Man Ever! Usain BOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!..:D..:D......:D....:D....
I enjoy the Olympics in general, I like the obscure sports a lot. But Usain Bolt's run was the first thing I've seen in the Olympics that made me thank whatever was going on in my mind to cause me to stay home and watch the olympics rather than going out. No amount of alcohol could be better than watching that performance. You shouldn't be able to break the 100m world record while showing off for the last 15m.

First non-Australian I've seen win without secretly hoping they turned out to be on drugs and the winner should have been Australian. I want that one to be real.
Holy crap, Bolt got the 100m world record, and with 20m to go he was basically dancing his way down to the line. Incredible! He would of smashed the record if he sprinted the entire way!
Well done Bolt but i'm not arsed, he's not British. He can be as fast as he likes but he's not Rebecca Adlington or Chris Hoy is he?

On another note, it would be hilarious if Phelps tested positive.
man I missed this and I waited since the Games started for this. cant wait for the 4x100 Jamaica gonna kill em.
Lovin that Bolt he is awesome. Still can't believe he finished the race side ways and still won in a world record time.
man I missed this and I waited since the Games started for this. cant wait for the 4x100 Jamaica gonna kill em.

Absolutely. With Powell and the Bolter in there, it has to be a record. The way Bolt went through that 100 last night it looked as if he could do it in 5 seconds if he tried.
Yesterday was Great Britain's best ever day at an Olympic Games! We targeted 8th place in the medals table, we are sitting pretty in 3rd place at the minute!
What about our track team? No chances whatsoever?

I remember last time around (Athens 2004) our women were second for a while until the last woman, who was slightly on the bigger side, ruined it all. This was in the relay event btw.

I do remember that.I doubt we would be able to repeat it though.
Our boxers are our last hope of adding to the tally.
We would be assured of a medal if they qualify for the next round.At least one of them should.The odds are quite decent of that happening.
does anyone know what time they will show high jump and what day ? im in england by the way lol
Yesterday was Great Britain's best ever day at an Olympic Games! We targeted 8th place in the medals table, we are sitting pretty in 3rd place at the minute!

Is this our best position in the medal table ever?
Our boxers are our last hope of adding to the tally.
We would be assured of a medal if they qualify for the next round.At least one of them should.The odds are quite decent of that happening.

The funny part is that we have three boxers, all from one district with a population of about 1.4 million, competing in the quarterfinals of the Olympics, while the entire US has two boxers competing. That tells me that our problem definitely does not lie with the talent pool or the potential of our athletes. We just need efficient programs to find and develop them.
He ( Michael Phelps) Is a man or Human-Shark? This is haywire, best times on earth!, WOW!!..:D...:D...:D..:D..:D..:D...

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