The Worst Ever World Cup....

Sagacious said:
Says BD's beloved non-playing captain LOL :rolleyes:

How many of you believe that BD can beat WI?
Did you believe bangladesh could beat India? Yeah i didn't think so.

And before people start bitching about Ireland's performance today, Please remember that Pakistan 74's against England in the 1992 world cup is the 5th lowest total in the world cup.

iceman_waugh said:
Bangladesh is just an over-hyped team.
They should learn to be consistent.The Irish loss[full credit to ireland for beating them],shows that the 2 Bangla wins were mere flukes !
Seriously,you can't just stick to one stupid game-plan of playing 3 spinners on any wicket.
You're calling Bangladesh over-hyped team? really? hhhmm when i hear over-hyped the 1st team comes to my mind is India! And no he irish loss doesn't make the other 2 wins a fluke, irish played competitively through out the wc bar 2 games. And neither the irish's 2 win or bangladesh's 2 win's were flukes. They dominated both the games both the teams won. Bangladesh beat india, south africa and beat nz in the warm ups(even though the super 8 they played badly against that team) and ireland beat pakistan, bangladesh, tied with zimbabwe and had SA 98/8 in the warm ups and they didn't playing bad against them in the super 8 either, that should have hinted what was about to come. Neither wins for these two teams were flukes. To to call them flukes is really wrong. one isolated win is a fluke when it's two or more than no it's not and you're wrong.

gambino said:
Originally Posted by masterkhan06
I know But Who Won The World Cup Them

now thats what i call a good answer
no i was pointing out that even though pakistan won that wc they had a similar bad game like the irish had today and there's no reason to go after them again because it happens and they proved enough that they deserve to be there.

And to go by your answer, who's in the super 8 now?
India's exit a loss for World Cup

"Not only are we missing big players like Tendulkar and the event has also suffered. We are also missing the fans, as Indian and Pakistani fans are known around the world as the most enthusiastic fans you can get. So obviously the event in missing them," Dave Richardson said.

Not having India and Pakistan has made the World Cup look boring and too long. There are too many meaningless matches over 47 days, which has taken the charm out of the tournament.

"I do think that the time between the matches is too long and we must learn from that. It might mean playing two matches in a single day but that is something that we have to consider in the future," Richardson said.
Right in a way as it is completely different without them but they shouldn't be kept in the world cup just for the fans.
Ok as far as I'm concerned the only bad days, concerning the cricket itself, has been when there've been wet days that have ruined matchs. The rest of the time has been most enjoyable for me :)
John Adams said:
Ok as far as I'm concerned the only bad days, concerning the cricket itself, has been when there've been wet days that have ruined matchs. The rest of the time has been most enjoyable for me :)

You missed Bob Woolmer diing, The best fans in the worl going home early... etc.

My first world cup i have seen, not too good
LA ICE-E said:
Hhhm isn't that an indian reporting? what a surprise...but it's no one's fault but the teams for getting knocked out, not the format, not the grounds, not anything else.
Noone is faulting anyone, its very much true that with India and Pakistan knocked out, the spectator interest has obviously gone down a lot.
I suspect the TV audience is going to be well down on the predicted one just because of India and Pakistan being knocked out so early. That would be enough to make most of the fans in those two countries tune off from Cricket for a while.
LA ICE-E said:
Hhhm isn't that an indian reporting?
So you're saying that we can't count? Or that we just happen to not be able to see all the people that aren't there? Kinda hard to count them when they're not there.

aussie1st said:
I suspect the TV audience is going to be well down on the predicted one just because of India and Pakistan being knocked out so early. That would be enough to make most of the fans in those two countries tune off from Cricket for a while.
I think a lot of it also has to do with Australian dominance. People expected this to be a closely fought World Cup but it's hard for the average spectator to take Ireland or Bangladesh too seriously (which means 12 of the games already become unexciting to the average fan--even if they are exciting). Add to that the fact that Australia has seemed to still emerge a league above everyone else. It seems like a tournament where all the Super 8 teams bar Australia are playing for a spot to appear in the final, rather than win the cup. Again, this is the view to the average fan, in my opinion.
sohummisra said:
I think a lot of it also has to do with Australian dominance. People expected this to be a closely fought World Cup but it's hard for the average spectator to take Ireland or Bangladesh too seriously (which means 12 of the games already become unexciting to the average fan--even if they are exciting). Add to that the fact that Australia has seemed to still emerge a league above everyone else. It seems like a tournament where all the Super 8 teams bar Australia are playing for a spot to appear in the final, rather than win the cup. Again, this is the view to the average fan, in my opinion.

I think pretty much a large majority share your view as well, even those in Australia have seen this WC rather tedious because of the one sided contests and the attention in the news is rather low compared to the soccer WC and even other semi-major sporting events such as world swimming championships. The normal everyday cricket fan would want to see a closely fought game between the two sides like today's game b/w WI and Eng. The other 5-6 teams have been pretty even in the Super 8's and have had some closely fought games. Bangladesh and Ireland caused an upset or to but I would have preferred to see India and Pakistan there but nevertheless Bangladesh and Ireland have shown that they can beat the big boys.
Australia have been a class above the rest throughout the tournament and no team has gotten close to them yet. Before this WC I thought this will be the most closely contested WC for a while as all 8 test playing nations had a chance and Aus. WC preparations were rather poor. But they have performed brilliantly in every game so far and have pretty much been flawless. I feel this will be a repeat of 03 WC, a tedious one sided final. Overall the ICC has damaged the credibility and reputation of the cricket WC and will ultimately lose some spectators from around the world as a result.
QUOTE=howardj "I think perhaps our expectations were a little high. Being frank, there really are not too many decent international teams. For mine, even putting aside their cricketing ability, West Indies, Pakistan, India and England totally lack stomach for the fight. Moreover, there's no desperation to want to get better.

I remember Australia, after their Ashes defeat in 2005, there was incredible purpose an honest, total post mortem and, coming out of that, there was real resolve to address their weaknesses that had been laid bare in England. By contrast, there's very little of that same purpose, that same desperation to address your deficiencies, among other international sides.

Consequently, again leaving aside playing ability, you have half of your 'major' cricketing nations not displaying total intensity during the most important tournament in ODI cricket. Very hard to expect a great World Cup out of that. Don't blame the ICC (it's so easy to bash them all the time). Rather, blame the players of the aforementioned nations.

I think this is why. Not that much because of the icc...the icc messed up on the ticketing prices and restriction but tried hard to fix that in the super 8s. One big problem for the crowds was that countries like inida bangladesh pakistan etc had problems with the visas, also. And the tournament may have been a bit long and could have been shorter with quarter finals, two groups of 4 in the super 8 or just have 2 games a day in the super 8 but Speed has got some valid points when comparing the tri-series in australia which took 32 days involving just 3 teams and 10 games in all for the finalists which is just one more than the world cup.
I think the ICC put all their eggs in one basket and that's the only place they are to blame. They expected the top 8 ranked teams to qualify to the Super 8's and they expected everyone to provide enough competition against the Aussies. Neither happened and what could have been a closely fought and exciting Super 8 just became a lengthened round-robin with low attendance and viewership.

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