India vs England - Match conditions
Match Conditions and Series explanations!
Pitch: Hard
Status: Day/Night game
Overs: 50
Kits: Latest England and India kits
Roster: Boss's CGPv3 IRCU roster (but with updated England and India teams!)
Other updates: Boss's field settings v3, Boss advance cover drive fix v3, Boss Camera settings v3
AI patch: Tutsi 8.0 (released version!)
The toss is going to be of prime importance in this match as the ball here would have some swing in the night (Read Tutsi 8.0 patch's new toss importance feature
here). I am not going to use Sam's exe as it does not allow me to use the cursor while batting and I do not wish to take advantage by bowling with Sam's new exe and batting with the old one! The advanced shots will be included in the coming matches but only in limited amounts (as run scoring without them it pretty tough with Tutsi's latest patch!)
Series Explanation: In the case of any match being a tie or is rained off after the 25th over of the second innings, the side that has a better run rate in that match would be awarded the points. For example, India scored 280/10 off 45 overs and New Zealand scores 280/10 in 47 overs and the match is a tie, India would be awarded the full 4 match points because they have achieved 280 in lesser number of overs. Same with rained games. If the 25 overs of the second batting side is over and the match is rained off, then the score at the 25 over mark of both sides are compared and the side which is ahead at the 25 over mark gets the full 4 match points.
Also, if a side is bowled out within the 40th over of their innings or is bowled out below 200, then the other side gets a bonus point.