Who's got a big head? Not Me :)

Bobbleheads getting loads of attention on twitter too! Iain O'Brien loved em... I also like I'm the only one sensibly attired for 18 degrees with my vest on...
I also like I'm the only one sensibly attired for 18 degrees with my vest on...
I was confused by this - I was wearing a long sleeve shirt despite it being 18. Way too hot for short sleeves.
I'd say MikeM set them particularly like that for some particular reason after downloading them from the Academy.
Does that mean we'll be able to set a preference for each player, or is it only something on the dev side? Would like to see keepers wearing long sleeves if possible
I think we can do that in the CA already?

Matt/Ross I'm guessing to get all the upper attire variences in one shot? That's what it looked like to me... Everyone has a different top, mines the looser fit shirt with vest on top.
99.99% sure we can't set it for each player Biggs
I stand corrected. You can for players cards, but not in the main field/bat clothing areas. I imagine that's prolly coming in an update... from what we can see...
I'd really like to see team PC in ODI uniforms also. I actually wanna see myself :rolleyes
I stand corrected. You can for players cards, but not in the main field/bat clothing areas. I imagine that's prolly coming in an update... from what we can see...

Definitely in the non-essential "nice to have" category
Agreed! It would genuinely surprise me if they hadn't already thought of this...

I'd really like to see team PC in ODI uniforms also. I actually wanna see myself :rolleyes

We might get the ODI team next week perhaps? Might motivate me to finish the damn T20 Squad! Haha. I would LOVE to see a computer generated scorecard of the PC.net team with no dev 'interference' on certain players... Haha.
Always nice to see the confirmatory 'thanks' from Ross aye Biggs?

Easier than replying with a "yes" - I hope people get that the "thanks" is confirmation :)

I will have MikeM post the remaining PC team members in the ODI kit on Monday.
Easier than replying with a "yes" - I hope people get that the "thanks" is confirmation :)

I will have MikeM post the remaining PC team members in the ODI kit on Monday.

Damn.....and I thought thanks meant please have my money and a free game.......
Getting thanked by Ross is PlanetCricket equivalent of getting to first base...

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