Windows XP vs Vista

Which windows you prefer?

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I voted Vista, because that's what I'm running at the moment. However, I wouldn't pay to upgrade on an existing computer - I just got a new laptop. However, there are little things like the search bar and the improved UI that make it better than XP.
I got told by many people who know how to work cpu's properly that if Vista is installed properly they have no problems whatsoever with it, games run fine, everything runs perfectly if it's installed properly. Is this true?
I don't think so. How can you run the thing if it is not supported by the system. Like You cannot run ms office 2007 on win 98.:cool:
I don't think so. How can you run the thing if it is not supported by the system. Like You cannot run ms office 2007 on win 98.:cool:
Using compatibility mode. Surely best. I was not able to run Max Payne on Windows XP but when I turned its compatibility to Win 98 it ran perfectly.
I don't think so. How can you run the thing if it is not supported by the system. Like You cannot run ms office 2007 on win 98.:cool:

Yeah I know I found it weird but what I got told, I don't know whats going on anyway I saw Vista fighting with XP.

I'm getting XP on my new pc I cba with Vista dunno why, I wish i got it now because I didnt know it would run things faster.

Yeah I know I found it weird but what I got told, I don't know whats going on anyway I saw Vista fighting with XP.

I'm getting XP on my new pc I cba with Vista dunno why, I wish i got it now because I didnt know it would run things faster.

Hey, if you're referring to what I said that Vista doesn't have problems with games, ITS TRUE(atleast for those with nVidia graphics cards, or even AMD ones.)! I use vista and have no issues whatsoever. IMO, Vista has got ratings far low than what it deserved. With the coming of SP1, its as good as XP. The problems people have is not Vista's fault - its the fault of drivers mostly. And crap drivers. Even if there's a game that doesn't run, it mostly is because there's an error in the driver.

The only sort of applications that don't totally work on Vista are those which are too old to be honest. I agree, its by no means perfect yet, but Vista SP1 is no more an OS that I wouldn't want to run on my PC, if I have a configuration like mine or like yours.

And even Vista aero DOES make the AI feel a little faster, and definitely if you have a dedicated graphics card. That's because after switching to aero, all onscreen work is offloaded to the card, and the CPU can rest free from this load. :)

Using compatibility mode. Surely best. I was not able to run Max Payne on Windows XP but when I turned its compatibility to Win 98 it ran perfectly.
See? That's a pefect example. It happens to all new Os'es for a while!

I'm actually tired of people moaning such generally that Vista is crap and things run slow on it and blah blah blah. I mean, there's no wrong in critising and it must be done, but surely not when you yourself haven't laid hands on it and not used it. I can give an example. Intel makes pathetic drivers for Vista. So, a person using an Intel IGP would get far less performance and compatiblity with games. But instead of understanding, he would shout at like 10 places that Vista is crap and things don't run on it - the reality being that Intel's driver team is crap. Now if I have a 9600GT, I wouldn't have any problems with Vista, even with an AMD card. But if I am not aware of technicalities and I hear 10 people who have different system than mine saying that Vista is crap, I wouldn't get it, even though I can easily run it. That's why one shoulnd't comment until he is very sure of it. Ofcourse, quite a lot of parts are there where the statement "Vista is crap" sometimes holds true, but speaking that line in very general terms is wrong - definitely wrong.
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Just use Xp its good enough and if u want the vista look for Xp then use vista transformation pack here is a screenie of it


  • vista transform.jpg
    vista transform.jpg
    119.3 KB · Views: 31
The file size is too big 30 mb i will be posting link in abot a minute but i want reps and stay tuned to the thread

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Okay i can download from links. Sorry for reps. my rep system is off .

Also tell me after this can we be able to use our old themes?
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