Windows XP vs Vista

Which windows you prefer?

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have tried vista and i just hate it,
no way am i going to vista again

xp all the way for me

I really don't understand that at all..

you hate it?? Wahh?

its a bit slower then XP. (faster for me as i got it on a much better comp).
but you hate it?.. it looks better.. no way anyone would deny that. and the sometimes annoying popups like UAC can be turned off..

Whats your big problem with it?

Vista bashing is something i am getting sick off, as nearly all problems people have with it a problems that were raised when it came out. and are fixed now.
I like Vista, first time i've used it, its nice, i especially like the way things go opaic at times, if you've more than one window open!

The only thing i don't like is its differnce to XP, which i'm used to :p So in time i'll change!
I like Vista, first time i've used it, its nice, i especially like the way things go opaic at times, if you've more than one window open!

The only thing i don't like is its differnce to XP, which i'm used to :p So in time i'll change!

I guess i was lucky.. As soon as i first used vista it's as if all its controls and different layout came naturally to me.. probably just because it suited me perfectly.. i love its new layout compared to XP.. a lot tidier.
I have been sticking with Xp, since may said Vista isn't worth it.

But after soo long i have Install Vista on my system for a week now.

and I must say how wrong people was.

Window Vista so far is supporting all my thing Hardware Printer, Video card, sound card, etc.
and also my software.
It even is supporting my Games, so far that i have installed.

Vista is Fast, faster than Xp.

Well it's normal.
When I use to run Win 98 i never wanted to change, When Millieum came out.
than I had Millieum and than I didn't want to change to XP, now Vista, i recently change.

My vote. Vista.
I have been sticking with Xp, since may said Vista isn't worth it.

But after soo long i have Install Vista on my system for a week now.

and I must say how wrong people was.

Window Vista so far is supporting all my thing Hardware Printer, Video card, sound card, etc.
and also my software.
It even is supporting my Games, so far that i have installed.

Vista is Fast, faster than Xp.

Well it's normal.
When I use to run Win 98 i never wanted to change, When Millieum came out.
than I had Millieum and than I didn't want to change to XP, now Vista, i recently change.

My vote. Vista.

Good to see, Too many people bashed Vista when it came out, then everyone joins this bashing bandwagon. If people stopped being sheep, tried things out for themselves, and researched problems or support. Everyone would be using Vista quite happily.
Exactly, and with SP1, things have become much better.
The only bad thing about Vista (in my personal opinion) is, that is takes up huge sapce on the hard disk.

This could be a problem on Laptops, like what I'm facing. My Vista had crashed (due to me being stupid :p) and now I'm still trying to free up enough space to reinstall it lol.

I'm on XP right now, and am hating every second of it!!
Exactly, and with SP1, things have become much better.
The only bad thing about Vista (in my personal opinion) is, that is takes up huge sapce on the hard disk.

This could be a problem on Laptops, like what I'm facing. My Vista had crashed (due to me being stupid :p) and now I'm still trying to free up enough space to reinstall it lol.

I'm on XP right now, and am hating every second of it!!

i have a 300GB hard drice :) and I am loving Win Vista.
A Must try.
I have install all the updates.
I am using Ultimate version.
Game that work so far on Vista that i am Playing
Cricket 2007, ICC 2006, ICC 2008, BLC 2007, Command and Conqeure 3, The Movies Game.
I have only used Vista on my mum's laptop, and I don't use that very often. I am very used to XP. I am getting a laptop myself on my birthday that has Vista on it, though, so I will have to get used to it!
Why do people have to bash vista just because of a few poor reviews they saw on a tech site when vista was just newly released, or when they tried it for themselves only before the release of Vista SP1? :rolleyes:

Comeon guys, what do you expect out of Vista, a rabbit coming out of the hat? Its a next generation OS, obviously there'll be a few performance problems on old hardware. You can't expect it to run your games on the old MX4000 with double the framerates than an 8800GTX just because its a new OS.

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