Windows XP vs Vista

Which windows you prefer?

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You don't need admin rights for it. Go to, Right Click on Desktop > Properties > Appearance > Effects and enable it.

Yes you do. You cant access anything in Office like you do at home.
I thought this option have any other effect
Not spam like yours dude
Cleartype uses subpixels to define a graphic (a text is a graphic) while normal text uses only pixels, this makes diagonal lines much sharper.
I'm going with Windows XP on this one. I've had nothing but trouble with Windows Vista, the three times I've had it. It's treated me wonderfully for around the first month or so that I've had it but then it slowly starts treating me like a bad hooker.

It's probably my busted-up old machine with its 2gigs of RAM, and its 2GHz Duo processor, but all my experiences with Vista have been negative. It hasn't supported a lot of the programs or drivers I've needed for my studio, and it's not particularly good friends with my Logitech G5, either.

I'm building a new gaming rig for around $1500 and I was advised to get 64bit Vista, due to it's speed-increased awesomeness and improved driver compatibility. And Service Pack 1 is being released (or has it already?) and I'm pretty sure I'll be chucking Vista on my new rig when it's (finally) done, and I'm hoping my experiences with it then will be better.

But for right now, I'm going with XP.
Its unfortunate you are having those problems. I have had Vista now for nearly 12 months. and i am yet to have any problems with it whatsoever. haven't even had a BSOD yet. it runs every game i have thrown at it, and is nice and fast compared to my old XP rig.
yh but your XP one might have been REALLY(really really) crap...if so vista is destined to look better
yh but your XP one might have been REALLY(really really) crap...if so vista is destined to look better

it wasn't crap. (1GB RAM, P4 3GHz, Geforce 7600GT). but i have to say Vista is way better.. much easier on the eyes too.

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