Australia in England

What will be outcome of the AshesTest series?

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If England bat for a draw they may well be in trouble. If Aus are good at one thing it is feeding off opposition that are playing defensive. We have seen what happens when a team attacks them but when they aren't being attacked the class of McGrath and Warne will mean they will get out sooner rather than later.
i wouldnt say its wishful thinking. 98 overs tomorrow and the aussies arent gonna take light and its not gonna rain. So if Australia want to win they have to bowl England out in the first 50-60 overs. Seems hard but add the tension and pressure of the final ashes test and they could crumble. Trescothick and Vaughn have to stay in for at least the first 15 overs otherwise they might spark a mini collapse starting with bell.
You never know with cricket. England are in the box seat but odd things have happened in cricket before so its possible.
its gonna a be a tense day but its definately in England's hands - if the Aussies do manage the unlikely then it will be more a case of us throwing it away than an Oz miracle. I'm off to the off license in a bit to get my supply of beer and hope to be celebrating come 6pm :cheers

p.s Warne's last day of test cricket over here.... :eek: :help
adthomp said:
we all know why england went off so do england fans of the series was 1-1 they wouldnt be going off let me tell you

And of course in the same situation Australia wouldn't :rolleyes:
I reckon if Aus win it from here it would have taken a miracle from the Aus bowlers. Surely the greatest spinner of all time, and one of the best fast bowlers won't retire without the Ashes. *My attempt to find more ways for Aus to win* :D
adthomp said:
we all know why england went off so do england fans of the series was 1-1 they wouldnt be going off let me tell you

Obviously they wouldn't, but neither would Australia (although they did in their first innings which I found strange when they need the win). At the end of the day the discussions we have had about substitute fielders, rain and bad light - England have done everything within the laws of the game, the substitute thing has shown that the England management have outsmarted the Aussies. Whether the rule is fair or not (and I think the ICC will be looking at it) these are the rules and both sides knew about them before the series and it applies to everyone. It just seems there is a bit of desperation to think of excuses by the Aussies instead of admitting that, bar the Lords test, England have been the dominent side of the summer. And i thought it was us poms that whined???? :D :D :D haha
I'm sure theres butterflies galore in the English fans and batters right now today

just 10 mins away
The sitatuion is a must win for the aussies, I think when england bat ( if they do), warne will rip through the top and middle-order, and give the aussies only a little target to chase, england will choke.
OMG my heart is pumping a million miles an hour!

This partnership is crucial for England

Edit: Hayden and Gilly have dropped the Ashes
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