Bangladesh v India - 2 Test Matches, January 2010

Taking about "class" is saying a bit too much really. Google their rowdy celebrations and comments in the media after they ousted India from the 2007 WC.

Rowdy celebrations and comments in the media after an underdog knocks out one of the pre-competition favorites !

Be still my beating heart !
*growls at the fact the weather looks like it will wreck this match*
Every side has a bad day. Whats wrong if india had one? Australia were bowled out for less than 200 recently does it mean they are ordinary. Sehwag did say right and proved it (when he smacked Bangladesh Pacers all over the park), he cant be responsible for other batsmens failure. And still after the outcome of the series all will know which team is ordinary.
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Back to normal, I am not expecting us to get anywhere 200 so all the batsmen can do is block and block to help take this game to the 5th day.

I bet Fool will get out first ball tomorrow morning.
Every side has a bad day. Whats wrong if india had one? Australia were bowled out for less than 200 recently does it mean they are ordinary. Sehwag did say right and proved it (when he smacked Bangladesh Pacers all over the park), he cant be responsible for other batsmens failure. And still after the outcome of the series all will know which team is ordinary.

One of these teams claims to be the best in the world.

One of these teams claims to be somewhere better than ninth.

Do you rank the two equally ? If you do, as a Tigers supporter, I'll take that as a win, as if you have a bad day, then we'll get the upper hand, and if we have a bad day, then you'll recover.

But that said, I said this before, and I'll say it again.

Right now, you have one of two choices.

You can either say 'Sehwag stuffed up, and Bangladesh arent an ordinary side'.

Or you can say 'This India side can be dismissed for less than 250 by an ordinary side'.

Which is it ?

Ian Whitchurch

PS Yeah, this Australian side is ordinary. I'll go further - it's the worst Australian side in 25 years. They get wins because everyone else these days is crap, too.

PPS Khalek grow a <expletive deleted> backbone. This Tigers side bats to 8.
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PPS Khalek grow a <expletive deleted> backbone. This Tigers side bats to 8.

So what? The top order sucks and they collapsed again.

Lemme tell you what'll happen, we will lose 2-3 quick wickets early tomorrow and then Mushfiqur, Mahmudullah and the tailenders will take us somewhere over 150-160.
So what? The top order sucks and they collapsed again.

Lemme tell you what'll happen, we will lose 2-3 quick wickets early tomorrow and then Mushfiqur, Mahmudullah and the tailenders will take us somewhere over 150-160.


I have money that says the Tigers make more than 160. What odds are you giving me ?

Ian Whitchurch

PS Show Riyad some respect. He got the trip to the Caribbean with 4 successive first-class tons. Me, I class him as a batting all-rounder.

IanW added 5 Minutes and 16 Seconds later...

Didn't TumTum get one of these too?

Don Bradman

He certainly needs one - nothing worse than a gutless Tiger fan ... some of em were picking India to score 600 in their first dig.

And as to your team ... you really dont have a spot for Constantine or Wes Hall ? And you're picking Ambrose ?

And no mention of Ramadhin or Valentine ? I mean, the pitch might turn, and we all remember the embarressment against Holland and Bennett at the SCG, right ?

PS Show Riyad some respect. He got the trip to the Caribbean with 4 successive first-class tons. Me, I class him as a batting all-rounder.

May I know how I disrespected Riyad in my post?

Yours truly,
Sir Gary Sobers
He certainly needs one - nothing worse than a gutless Tiger fan ... some of em were picking India to score 600 in their first dig.

Now I havent seen every post in here but where did Khalek say India will make 600+?
Also why does TumTum need a back bone, other then the obvious use.

And as to your team ... you really dont have a spot for Constantine or Wes Hall ? And you're picking Ambrose ?

LOL Ambrose is in the top 5 bowlers of all time, probably 2nd best from the Caribbean behind Marshall. Constantine played 18 tests, Hall is a legend but its obvious that the other 4 are better.

And no mention of Ramadhin or Valentine ? I mean, the pitch might turn, and we all remember the embarressment against Holland and Bennett at the SCG, right ?

If i had to take a spinner it wouldn't be Ramadhin or Valentine, it would be Gibbs. The greatest West Indies teams dominated with no spinners so I don't see a problem.

Jesus Christ
I think that is pretty offensive to any Bangladeshi's, Sohum, and actually quite arrogant. You say luck and are acting as if the Indian batsmen kept slipping over whilst running and getting run out, or being distracted behind the bowlers arm and being bowled. Bangladesh bowled well today (you don't just luck out with players like Gambhir and Dravid) and deserve the position they are in. It's not down to luck or any other silly reason like that.
Umm... it's not arrogance, it's fact. I didn't say Bangladesh didn't play well. But the reason that good side are good sides and bad sides are bad sides is not because of how much talent is available. I mean, the Bangladesh junior teams are as strong as India's or Australia's. The meaning of luck in this situation is that a side like Bangladesh needs to get lucky to play consistently enough over 5 days to beat a side like India. They have all the talent in the world but you do need the rub of the green to go your way in an underdog scenario.

sohum added 4 Minutes and 53 Seconds later...

Wow, umm yeah. First of all, Bangladesh weren't "lucky" yesterday, they actually bowled well. If anything India were a lot more lucky in the fact they could of already been bowled out by now if Bangladesh took all of there chances.
Uh... I read the post-stumps comments (given that the match was played during the night there) and even Shakib agreed that the Bangladeshi's could have bowled a lot better. So it's not a case of brilliant bowling--it's a case of good bowling and mediocre batting. Bangladesh didn't come out and bowl nasty spells that were unplayable as much as they kept to their task and let the Indians crumble.
But it was a totally unnecessary remark, which triggered unneeded controversies! And it sent a wrong wrong message to the followers of this sport across the globe. Candour doesn't always help you, especially when you're holding a responsible post like that of a side's captain. Sehwag should learn how to manage the media, which is like an explosive that might ignite anytime, in case of poor handling.

Well had India batted very well on Day 1 and was on 350 odd for 1, people would have said "Sehwag proved right in his words" or something like that.

Well done in the end, India. 58/3 is a really good one for us, after all the "hyped up" talk. Now what will the comments be? "Well this was expected as BD are not consistent enough and experienced" and also "India have it easy against this BD side", etc. MY FOOT! If you guys (Bangladesh) have the guts to silence the Indians with your fingers and mouth, then you should start being consistent enough and take the challenge to the Indians. WE DONT FRIGGIN' CARE HOW INEXPERIENCED YOU ARE! You have taken the bait. Show us what THE DAMN YOU'RE MADE OF!!!!
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And finally, how interesting would this match be if Sehwag hadn't made those pre-match comments. I mean you'd have the regular gloaters who'd come here to make fun of India after that poor day's play, but I doubt you'd have the majority of the cricketing world watch this series. In that way, Sehwag's comments were almost good for Bangladesh cricket because he put the spotlight on this series and Bangladesh can flair their wares.

IanW said:
Sehwag, because he can't keep his trap shut, unneccessarily upset at least one of the opposition fast bowlers.
Isn't this kind of demeaning to BD cricket? Are you saying that Shahadat wouldn't have taken those wickets if Sehwag hadn't made those pre-match comments? It certainly seems that you think that BD are only in the game here because Sehwag opened his trap before the game, and that they wouldn't be in this situation if no pre-match comments had been made. That's hypocritical of someone who can't take a word of the Tigers being bashed!

sohum added 1 Minutes and 5 Seconds later...

Well had India batted very well on Day 1 and was on 350 odd for 1, people would have said "Sehwag proved right in his words" or something like that.
Dangerous playing with conditionals.

But what would probably have happened is that certain members of the Indian memberbase would have harped on about it and lead to the same name-calling about arrogance and the like.
Right now, you have one of two choices.

You can either say 'Sehwag stuffed up, and Bangladesh arent an ordinary side'.

Or you can say 'This India side can be dismissed for less than 250 by an ordinary side'.

Which is it ?

Ian Whitchurch

Sehwag didnt stuff up, he said it right and was right on spot, bangladesh team is not capable of taking 20 indian wickets. India were just attacking too much probably still in the ODI mode but nevertheless Shahadat and Shakib did bowl well, still what he meant was they cant get 20 indian wickets, so have your options with urself and wait till sehwag proves himself right.
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