Super Cricketer
Club Cricketer
I3 2nd gen cpu will be enough to play DBC14

Sometimes we do forget that the tutorial isn't in this aspect of the game.
So for those that need it, here's some help.
Anything north of the equator of the Left Stick (that is anything on top half) is your Front Foot placement. From the perspective of a right hander, that means that up and right (in a diagonal angle) would be moving your player to the front and right. Up and left (on a diagonal angle), will be front and left.
Same thing goes for back foot, anything south of the equator (bottom half of stick) is your back foot movement. Back and left will move you back and left. I think you'll start to see what I'm getting at now. Basically, the angle and direction of the left stick will move your player in that angle and direction. For pull shots you will need to get on the back foot, otherwise you'll play around the ball, etc.
As for what is being perceived as 'not the shot I played'. On lower difficulties the foot placement is assisted for you. If you want full control, bump it up to Legend (Veteran and Pro have less assistance too), let it be know that you will need to get it very spot on though at that difficulty.
It's recommended to start on Amateur or Rookie and just get used to what the movement and positioning is like.
Also on those difficulties, if you take a look at the ball marker (the circle around the ball) you will see it flash white for a split second. This indicates perfect timing. That will not be there on the higher difficulties though, meaning you need to know your timing to get it in the ideal range.
Hope that helps.
Oh and I'll also add a couple of other things I forgot.
The colours around the ball indicate where the ball is pitching.
Yellow = Full
Red = Short
Green = Good
The ball marker will also have a gap depending on which line it's pitching, a gap to the left of the ball means it's pitching right, a gap to the right, means it's pitching left. No gap means it's on middle stump.
As for the triggers, they do indeed work. Although it's not really the best showing of them in the nets as they don't do the damage they might on the real grounds.But yes, L2/LT is an aggressive shot, which means the ball will generally be more lofted. R2/RT is a defensive shot. R2/RT+L2/LT is an aggressive grounded shot meaning the ball will be hit hard along the ground.
L1/LB is your unorthodox shots, like the scoop, sweep, etc. And R1/RB is the advance down the pitch, which is best used against spinners imo.
Ross......... Does a trigger have to be pressed to play a shot? I ask because what if i just want to lay a normal shot(not being aggressive or defensive) will I be able to. Because I tried doing that and no shot was offered.
No for a standard shot u do not need to press a trigger...control the footwork with the left analogue stick and the shot/direction with the right analogue the controls thread for labelled images depicting triggers, sticks, bumpers and their corresponding functions
Thanks for the reply. Then I am assuming the problem lies in the controller not responding. I am just going to wait for the game to come out on PS3. I didnt have a good experience due to the controller
My pc goes to sleep mode when playing nets with controller after sometime, i had to move the mouse to get it back. Controller is working flawless.
My pleasure mate...if u are using a ps3 controller, there is a seperate thread for getting ps3 controllers to work aswell...u may want to refer to that...alot of people have been having problems getting their ps3 controllers to work and there have been quite a few solutions aswell, one them might solve your issue
I have tried two three of them still no luck. Lets see. Thanks though
Few hints about using MotioningJoy with the PS3 controller (I learnt the hard way).
Make sure you restart your PC after initially configuring and installing MotioningJoy.
Make sure your controller shows up in the top drop down box in MotioningJoy. If not, try using a different USB port (my USB ports that are 'affixed' to my motherboard do not work, however the front USB ports on my PC case do).
Ensure you select XBox 360 emulation option in MotioningJoy
Ensure you 'enable' the controller at the bottom of the main window (where it has the vibration settings) before starting the game.
CA quitting to windows everytime i like on graphics options
Windows 7 64bit
Same with me, on Windows 8. Yet when I tried on Windows 7 (both 64-bit) it worked fine!
Tried updating drivers, etc on W8, but to no avail.
Same here, graphic option crashes. I'm on windows 7 64bit.
I clicked on "Graphics Options" and it quit to desktop. First problem I've had with any version (Win 7 x64).
When I click on "Graphics Options" it crashes to desktop.
Win7 64-bit, 7970