DBC14 PC Version 1.14

You are only getting a few hundred bytes - not a big internet connection. Email me your Steam ID and I will organise a refund for you.

PS: The cracked version does not work, they are officially tweaked :p

It is not the amount of data that is the issue. It is that the internet at my house sucks. Here in SA, they often steal the cable from our telecoms provider, and it takes them up to 3 months to replace. I have wireless as well, but the latency is all over the place, so sometimes no connection. My point is, this was not an issue before. I will keep playing this great game, but if you take away my ability to do it with my purchased version, I will use the cracked version. And, I cannot legitimately recommend anyone else does otherwise. I have no issue with online verification, or online activation, but once I have done it, I dont want to have to do over and over again (because sometimes I can't).

I dont want a refund, I want to play the game I purchased, when I want to play it.

Lastly, How do I find your email address to email you my steam ID?
I, for one, understand that the online-check thing might be required for a game like this. See, if this was EA trying to pull off something like they were with the Simcity launch, then I would have been totally against it (that would be nickel-and-diming). For a small-time developer like BigAnts, they need the money and the pirates were denying them their due. So many of the complaints people have is because of the pirates : high price is because of piracy, online check is because of piracy et.al. Really, if you want to be angry at someone, be angry at the pirates. I understand that some people may live in an area with spotty internet connection, but the game does not need a constant internet connection. It just needs to transmit a few hundred bytes at the start and you are good to go minus the internet thereafter. Now, if you are basically in an area without an internet connection at all, then you might be out of luck. But then again, this is a really rare problem even in India, with network coverages expanding the way they are.
I, for one, understand that the online-check thing might be required for a game like this. See, if this was EA trying to pull off something like they were with the Simcity launch, then I would have been totally against it (that would be nickel-and-diming). For a small-time developer like BigAnts, they need the money and the pirates were denying them their due. So many of the complaints people have is because of the pirates : high price is because of piracy, online check is because of piracy et.al. Really, if you want to be angry at someone, be angry at the pirates. I understand that some people may live in an area with spotty internet connection, but the game does not need a constant internet connection. It just needs to transmit a few hundred bytes at the start and you are good to go minus the internet thereafter. Now, if you are basically in an area without an internet connection at all, then you might be out of luck. But then again, this is a really rare problem even in India, with network coverages expanding the way they are.
Piracy hurts everyone the same, big or small.

That being said, I would never have purchased the game if I did not first download, install, and try the game with a pirated copy first. That is my try before I buy policy. I do it before I purchase any game. Additionally, of the 20 odd people I recommended the game to, at least 12 purchased the game, because of my recommendation. It was easy for me to recommend the game, because I enjoyed it so much. Now I cannot enjoy the game, because I cannot launch it, because of my crappy internet. These arent Big Ant's faults, really just the poor service delivery, and rampant criminals in SA.

But, Big Ant put in the DRM in a patch, which was not part of the original game. If it was part of the original game, I would not have purchased / played it, because I don't purchase / play games that require an internet connection to play, because of the technical issues I have. At this point I feel cheated, because Big Ant changed the rules.

Just to clarify, I do not condone Piracy. I DO try games with the pirated versions as a try before I buy, but every game installed on my PC is purchased, and owned. If I like it, and want to play it, I buy it. If I really like it, I recommend it, and my friends buy it.

If you require an internet connection on your game, do so from the beginning, before I spend my money on it. Not after! Just bad form in my opinion.
Piracy hurts everyone the same, big or small.

That being said, I would never have purchased the game if I did not first download, install, and try the game with a pirated copy first. That is my try before I buy policy. I do it before I purchase any game. Additionally, of the 20 odd people I recommended the game to, at least 12 purchased the game, because of my recommendation. It was easy for me to recommend the game, because I enjoyed it so much. Now I cannot enjoy the game, because I cannot launch it, because of my crappy internet. These arent Big Ant's faults, really just the poor service delivery, and rampant criminals in SA.

But, Big Ant put in the DRM in a patch, which was not part of the original game. If it was part of the original game, I would not have purchased / played it, because I don't purchase / play games that require an internet connection to play, because of the technical issues I have. At this point I feel cheated, because Big Ant changed the rules.

Just to clarify, I do not condone Piracy. I DO try games with the pirated versions as a try before I buy, but every game installed on my PC is purchased, and owned. If I like it, and want to play it, I buy it. If I really like it, I recommend it, and my friends buy it.

If you require an internet connection on your game, do so from the beginning, before I spend my money on it. Not after! Just bad form in my opinion.

Nothing, absolutely nothing can justify theft. Simple logic, if you have any doubt about a product, or you cant afford to buy it, don't buy/play it. Even if one buys 100 Copies and his friends buy 200 copies, it can never justify piracy/theft.
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Piracy hurts everyone the same, big or small.

That being said, I would never have purchased the game if I did not first download, install, and try the game with a pirated copy first. That is my try before I buy policy.
Just to clarify, I do not condone Piracy. I DO try games with the pirated versions as a try before I buy, but every game installed on my PC is purchased, and owned. If I like it, and want to play it, I buy it. If I really like it, I recommend it, and my friends buy it.

If you require an internet connection on your game, do so from the beginning, before I spend my money on it. Not after! Just bad form in my opinion.

That is the biggest nonsense I've read. What if you said this to a car manufacturer - I will not buy your car unless I steal it first and then try it out around the streets of NY for a week or two and then if I like it, I will pay you for ANOTHER legit copy of the car and junk the old one. (now I understand digital copies are merely bits and take no time and you don't really "lose" anything in that sense by deleting a copy but I'm talking about the backend work here by the developers)
Thats where the "you wouldn't download a car" comes from. A poorer analogy but something for people to relate to.

IMO, you're a thief. Pure and simple. And it is people like you who have messed up PC gaming from old days of just CD Keys and simple checks. If you have the money, buy the game. If not, don't pirate it. Acting like you're entitled to this by piracy is wrong. The game isn't being made to appease you at your convenience so you can sample the whole pie for free and then toss it if you felt sheer ennui.

I'm not entirely happy about the online check but I understand it being a necessary step given the rampant piracy. Even putting it on steam does little to curb it. Ergo, you have things like Diablo 3 and SimCity type always online games.
At least this is a bit better in that regards.

I just hope the developers don't give up on the PC ports. (although I have it for console as well).
Piracy hurts everyone the same, big or small.

That being said, I would never have purchased the game if I did not first download, install, and try the game with a pirated copy first. That is my try before I buy policy. I do it before I purchase any game. Additionally, of the 20 odd people I recommended the game to, at least 12 purchased the game, because of my recommendation. It was easy for me to recommend the game, because I enjoyed it so much. Now I cannot enjoy the game, because I cannot launch it, because of my crappy internet. These arent Big Ant's faults, really just the poor service delivery, and rampant criminals in SA.

But, Big Ant put in the DRM in a patch, which was not part of the original game. If it was part of the original game, I would not have purchased / played it, because I don't purchase / play games that require an internet connection to play, because of the technical issues I have. At this point I feel cheated, because Big Ant changed the rules.

Just to clarify, I do not condone Piracy. I DO try games with the pirated versions as a try before I buy, but every game installed on my PC is purchased, and owned. If I like it, and want to play it, I buy it. If I really like it, I recommend it, and my friends buy it.

If you require an internet connection on your game, do so from the beginning, before I spend my money on it. Not after! Just bad form in my opinion.

^This guy doesn't get it....
Piracy hurts everyone the same, big or small.

That being said, I would never have purchased the game if I did not first download, install, and try the game with a pirated copy first. That is my try before I buy policy. I do it before I purchase any game. Additionally, of the 20 odd people I recommended the game to, at least 12 purchased the game, because of my recommendation. It was easy for me to recommend the game, because I enjoyed it so much. Now I cannot enjoy the game, because I cannot launch it, because of my crappy internet. These arent Big Ant's faults, really just the poor service delivery, and rampant criminals in SA.

But, Big Ant put in the DRM in a patch, which was not part of the original game. If it was part of the original game, I would not have purchased / played it, because I don't purchase / play games that require an internet connection to play, because of the technical issues I have. At this point I feel cheated, because Big Ant changed the rules.

Just to clarify, I do not condone Piracy. I DO try games with the pirated versions as a try before I buy, but every game installed on my PC is purchased, and owned. If I like it, and want to play it, I buy it. If I really like it, I recommend it, and my friends buy it.

If you require an internet connection on your game, do so from the beginning, before I spend my money on it. Not after! Just bad form in my opinion.

At this point, I would just agree to disagree. Piracy is synonymous with theft to me. One does not steal a car from the showroom to try it out. He reads reviews, looks at youtube videos, asks people around, goes for a test drive etc. Now this game had a demo, correct? If you do not condone piracy but have to try it before you buy it, you could have played the demo. But I wonder why you didnt do that. Also since you admitted to pirating the games before buying the ones you like, the statement you made - "every game installed on my PC is purchased, and owned" is flawed, since there also exist pirated games installed on your system as per your admission.
You may say every game you want to try doesnt have a demo; I wonder how the rest of the world gets by then. If everyone followed the logic of 'pirate to try', then we wouldnt have games at all. There is a very thin line of self governance when you have the power to get a product you are mildly interested in free-of-cost using methods that have no repercussions and while you try to look like you are on the right side of it, it seems you have conflicting beliefs about this.
Nothing, absolutely nothing can justify theft. Simple logic, if you have doubt about the product, or you cant afford to buy it, don't buy/play it. Even if one buy 100 Copies and his friends buy 200 copies, it can never justify piracy/theft.
Plenty of things can justify theft. Stealing a key to unlock a chain of an abused animal for instance. Although, I think you meant that noting can justify software theft, specifically. That may be so. But I am not arguing the morality / legality of piracy. I am saying it is unfair to change the usage of a product after said product is bought.

Furthermore, I do understand the reasoning behind the DRM by Big Ant. Just give me an option, after registration say, to not require my PC to be online to play a game I have already purchased. My issue, in its essence, has nothing to do with Piracy.
The most amusing part is the DRM checking has been incorporated for exactly guys like these.
Yupppp.........pirates are frustrated all over the place........

IS this true that SA has such a low quality inernet connectivity or just a lie told by this guy.....first time heard ....so lil bit curious. ....
Piracy hurts everyone the same, big or small.

That being said, I would never have purchased the game if I did not first download, install, and try the game with a pirated copy first. That is my try before I buy policy. I do it before I purchase any game. Additionally, of the 20 odd people I recommended the game to, at least 12 purchased the game, because of my recommendation. It was easy for me to recommend the game, because I enjoyed it so much. Now I cannot enjoy the game, because I cannot launch it, because of my crappy internet. These arent Big Ant's faults, really just the poor service delivery, and rampant criminals in SA.

But, Big Ant put in the DRM in a patch, which was not part of the original game. If it was part of the original game, I would not have purchased / played it, because I don't purchase / play games that require an internet connection to play, because of the technical issues I have. At this point I feel cheated, because Big Ant changed the rules.

Just to clarify, I do not condone Piracy. I DO try games with the pirated versions as a try before I buy, but every game installed on my PC is purchased, and owned. If I like it, and want to play it, I buy it. If I really like it, I recommend it, and my friends buy it.

If you require an internet connection on your game, do so from the beginning, before I spend my money on it. Not after! Just bad form in my opinion.

This guy is fooling, Damm sure he has not Original copy with him,Frustrated due to Piracy check applied in Patch
This guy is fooling, Damm sure he has not Original copy with him,Frustrated due to Piracy check applied in Patch
I really fail to see how you can be "Damm sure" about the originality of my copy. You can however, be "Damm sure" about my frustration with the online check everytime I want to play the game.
You are only getting a few hundred bytes - not a big internet connection. Email me your Steam ID and I will organise a refund for you.

PS: The cracked version does not work, they are officially tweaked :p

I know what you did there :yes

Edit: My money is on the guy complaining coz he's p*ssed at no longer being able to play his pirated copy.
Plyenty of things can justify theft. Stealing a key to unlock a chain of an abused animal for instance. Although, I think you meant that noting can justify software theft, specifically. That may be so. But I am not arguing the morality / legality of piracy. I am saying it is unfair to change the usage of a product after said product is bought.

Furthermore, I do understand the reasoning behind the DRM by Big Ant. Just give me an option, after registration say, to not require my PC to be online to play a game I have already purchased. My issue, in its essence, has nothing to do with Piracy.

Any Company has every right to incorporate anything to improve the game/product, here the issue is you don't see this as improvement, not sure why? For us, we are very glad with the DRM arrangement, as it reinforce my belief that I always do the correct thing by purchasing a product, even though there are temptation for otherwise....
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I really fail to see how you can be "Damm sure" about the originality of my copy. You can however, be "Damm sure" about my frustration with the online check everytime I want to play the game.
Fearsome tweak offfffffff :wave:wave

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