Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies after patch 2 [PS3/360]

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I've bowled tonnes of bouncers, including plenty of no-balls over the heads of the little Bangladeshi players so it's in the game, it's possible and it just needs perfecting from the player, not patching. All comes down to that glorious new bowling control system and mastering it with patience.
I've bowled tonnes of bouncers, including plenty of no-balls over the heads of the little Bangladeshi players so it's in the game, it's possible and it just needs perfecting from the player, not patching. All comes down to that glorious new bowling control system and mastering it with patience.

Ok thanks mate you have obviously been playing it a lot longer than myself I'll just keep at it
...far too long according to Lady Biggs.
After Patch 2 the game keeps hanging at the end of a match or after continuing from a saved game - sort it out Big Ant please - I didn't pay good money for a game that hangs!!!!!!!

I never had this problem before Patch 2!!!

We are doing everything we can, almost 24x7 to find this issue. No one has been able to pinpoint why most people do not suffer the issue but a minority of people such as yourself do and so therefore we cannot replicate the issue. If we can't replicate it then we can't fix it.

It would help greatly if there was someone in Melbourne that has the issue could come with their Xbox to our office so that we might be able to find out what the issue is.

If the game has an issue an I need to do a patch to fix it then I will pay for that to be done. We are committed to the game and supporting those that have paid "good money" for it.

PS: You probably don't need so many!!!!! They actually don't help.
apologies - but the !!! express my frustration at a game that previously didn't hang now hanging after the patch.

if i was nearer i would gladly pop in with my console to show you the error.
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You are wasting your time.

Lol I think you wasted more time by creating this crap that is full of bugs. Oops...I forgot that you have ignored me because you can't hear anymore criticism about this crappy game. Haven't you heard of hiring real programmers? They could have coded this crap better than you or at least, without bugs. Better yet, go to Learn to code | Codecademy as they have tutorials where you can learn from. Good luck!

So are we getting patch 3 to fix these previous lame patches?
Succinctly putting forward issues will see them more able to be fixed.

He's spoken a lot of absolute crap previously, e.g. statements such as patch#2 was never submitted blah blah blah, so if you completely, as in 100%, agree with him then I would find it hard to take you seriously.

Ross, there seems to be an unintended effect with the physics model, having made whatever changes you've made to make pro batting slightly easier.

The most noticeable effects are shots that used to stay on the ground (the pull, in particular, was a very safe shot prior to patch 2 on the PS3) now carry in the air.

In particular, I've just gotten out (for the 3rd time) playing a forward defensive shot that absolutely rockets off the bat and back to the bowler.


So are we getting patch 3 to fix these previous lame patches?

fearsome tweak off, ----.

Yep, the swear filter will make that not really work, so let's try it this way:

Go forth and multiply, see you next tuesday.
blah blah blah

Jokes on you, he already has your money. For someone who doesn't like the game you sure waste a lot of time talking about it. Go trade it in and delete your account here. Money where your mouth is, as they say.
Ross, there seems to be an unintended effect with the physics model, having made whatever changes you've made to make pro batting slightly easier.

The most noticeable effects are shots that used to stay on the ground (the pull, in particular, was a very safe shot prior to patch 2 on the PS3) now carry in the air.

In particular, I've just gotten out (for the 3rd time) playing a forward defensive shot that absolutely rockets off the bat and back to the bowler.


almighty tweak off, ----.

Yep, the swear filter will make that not really work, so let's try it this way:

Go forth and multiply, see you next tuesday.

Go home kid. This thread is only for constructive feedbacks. I have provided mine and if you don't have any feedback then go play "cricket like never before". Let me know how many edges carry through to the keeper at 110 kph.

The funny thing is that suck ups like you don't give a damn about whether the patches are fixing the bugs or not. All you care about is getting on the good side of Ross and I have no clue why that is. It is good that the developers are keeping up with the game even after its release but you have spent money on this piece of crap and you have the right to have it working as promised. Instead of these patches providing fixes for existing bugs in the game, they are producing more bugs. These are obviously bunch of lame developers who are failing patch after patch. They have no sense of project management and, obviously, no testing and debugging abilities.

So you all can post whatever you want about me and I will keep posting my feedback about this game because I have spent my money on this and I expect to have this working as it was advertised. I am not very rich and $60 is no joke. Maybe ya'll are too rich to ignore these little things but I am not.


Jokes on you, he already has your money. For someone who doesn't like the game you sure waste a lot of time talking about it. Go trade it in and delete your account here. Money where your mouth is, as they say.

Actually, jokes on them as they have given new meaning to patches. Instead of fixing bugs, they are producing them. Cheers :cheers
I just noticed this also - got a nice thick edge while batting to be dismissed for 67 was given as c&b on the dismissal while walking back to the pavilion but it shows correctly on the scorecard. How strange.

I'd just like to reiterate the fact that this is not limited to edges to the keeper. I've had it where I've had someone caught in mid on/mid off and the dismissal message is c&b but on the scorecard it's different.

It's not a game breaker but it's something the lads at Big Ant might want to consider having a look for and try to replicate it.
I've bowled tonnes of bouncers, including plenty of no-balls over the heads of the little Bangladeshi players so it's in the game, it's possible and it just needs perfecting from the player, not patching. All comes down to that glorious new bowling control system and mastering it with patience.

I have just started a new carrea with a fast-medium and all the edges are carrying and I can bowl good bouncers it's just when I was a fast bowler it wasn't.
They have no testing abilities.

So what does that say about Microsoft and Sony given they thoroughly tested the patch before release?

I'd advise you to go and produce your own game since you seem to have all of the knowledge to do so. :wave

In saying that though, I wouldn't support such a twit through purchasing his, likely, substandard product.
I've had someone caught in mid on/mid off and the dismissal message is c&b but on the scorecard it's different.

Pretty sure they're all over that error, it's a common occurance in online as well.
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