Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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Ross can you make any comment on if the reverse sweep being used alot is related to crappy bowling?

Just be good to know if the AI was that intelligent!

Also any views on the AI leg side bowling?!

Love the game!!

Yeah, checked the code and the AI will reverse-sweep the hell out of you if the ball is not good, it's their "go to" shot - this will change in a future patch.


Here we go again......

Nope, not from me, maybe from the other guy but I reserve the right to call him out when he thanks "MASSIVE OVERSIGHTS" that just require some thought around the issue.

Most people don't have power outages and we don't want the game "gamed" by people saving/continuing and cheating the system - eg. save go out, reload save and therefore not out - did you think of that #blockerthegenius
You are a great man :thumbs! Also could you please comment on the leg side bowling?

It requires further investigation.

Before committing to fixes I need to be 100% sure of the problem.
yep, couple of people complained, one person thanked a post - he's the problem...

if someone wants to cheat they'll cheat. it's offline mode so really they only cheat themselves.

too much paranoia about people cheating (c.f. career mode issue), not enough about ease of menu use.

massive overreaction.
Nope, not from me, maybe from the other guy but I reserve the right to call him out when he thanks "MASSIVE OVERSIGHTS" that just require some thought around the issue.

Most people don't have power outages and we don't want the game "gamed" by people saving/continuing and cheating the system - eg. save go out, reload save and therefore not out - did you think of that #blockerthegenius

So instead of mentioning the post in general, you have a go at someone for thanking the post, and not at the original poster?

Is there a frequent auto save? The way it sounded was that there was no saving system at all without quitting, which in my opinion is either an oversight or a bad feature.
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Just because I know he will love the attention - @Biggs

^ Nice walkie :p
So instead of mentioning the post in general, you have a go at someone for thanking the post, and not at the original poster?

Is there a frequent auto save? The way it sounded was that there was no saving system at all, which in my opinion is either an oversight or a bad feature.

I corrected the original poster first.

I had a go at the genius, as I am entitled to do, because he jumped in with both feet as usual without thinking and thanked the "MASSIVE OVERSIGHT" therefore agreeing with it. Even after my explanation the thanks remains, the guy's never wrong.... anyway, moving on.
So instead of mentioning the post in general, you have a go at someone for thanking the post, and not at the original poster?

Is there a frequent auto save? The way it sounded was that there was no saving system at all, which in my opinion is either an oversight or a bad feature.

There's a save feature but save and quit rather than just save. One can appreciate the "make it onerous to cheat" but in offline that just takes paranoia too far. If someone really can't take it that they got out it shouldn't effect a simple menu. Lots of people like to save as they go regardless of power issues or being a cheat.
Doesn't that also mean that people can cheat offline to get achievements? Restart when you're out etc.

Full disclosure - I was planning on doing that shamelessly :D
Doesn't that also mean that people can cheat offline to get achievements? Restart when you're out etc.

100% correct. That's why we do not have a continue, we know that we can't stop cheating but we shouldn't encourage it either.

How many people have power issues that mean they need to save the game all the time?

On the Autosave function, if power was a problem then this could kill your profile/saves very easily, if my power was not good I would certainly disable this on other games.
There's a save feature but save and quit rather than just save. One can appreciate the "make it onerous to cheat" but in offline that just takes paranoia too far. If someone really can't take it that they got out it shouldn't effect a simple menu. Lots of people like to save as they go regardless of power issues or being a cheat.

If people really want to go to the trouble of going to the dashboard/turning off their Xbox just because they got out or lost the game, then I really don't care about them. I think too much emphasis has been placed on leaderboards for the offline games, something I couldn't give two hoots about.
If people really want to go to the trouble of going to the dashboard/turning off their Xbox just because they got out or lost the game, then I really don't care about them. I think too much emphasis has been placed on leaderboards for the offline games, something I couldn't give two hoots about.

It is a part of the TRC/TCR processes at Sony and Microsoft that we minimise "gaming" it is an instant fail of our submission if leaderboards can be gamed.

Send them a letter.
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