Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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I can imagine why the replays would want to be stopped for 6s before the ball went into the crowd. Unless they created animations for spectators ducking for cover or catching the ball, it'd probably look a bit weird having the ball just disappear into the stands without a reaction. I don't think it'd be really worth spending much time creating those animations though.
The lucky brats with the game are reporting a lot of reverse sweeps of quick bowlers.
Don Bradman Cricket 14 - cons, suggestions, what can be improved

Been playing the game for around 7-ish hours now and though it's certainly not enough to give a full review, I'd like to give my first impressions here. Certainly no whining in this thread, at all, this is a good game, but hopefully this thread can become a good resource as well as heed a lot of suggestions for the dev team to patch/think about for the future. So for the few of us that do have the game already (and have enjoyed it a lot so far!), let's state our suggestions for future patches, etc. here. I'll start:

This was mentioned in Karachi's thread, too. The camera work is shoddy. I have been playing career mode and when my partner (AI) hits the ball down the ground (pretty much anywhere on the ground but this mostly happens down the ground) and I'm at the non-strikers end, I'm not even sure as to whether I should run or not (in Career mode when your partner hits a shot you're still the one who calls a run or not, regardless of where it's hit), because the camera doesn't show where the ball is headed towards and whether there's a fielder there or not until around a few seconds later, where if I start running then I just end up getting run out.

Same thing when you're batting and you hit a pull shot or any shot on the leg side. The camera zooms out after the shot is played but has a buffer-time of around a second or two before it shows you where the ball is on the field, by that time you've probably missed out on a run and might end up getting run out when you do run.

Suggestion for dev team: make AI call runs that are in his 'zone' for him to call, and improve camera work in general.
It would be a good idea to give the camera control to the player somehow. I am talking about the camera movement after the shot is played. This has never been tried before.
AI is slightly too generous with the reverse sweeps and whatnot.. even in the domestic 4-day Aus competition!! Kinda disheartening to be a new 16 year old on the scene and have the batsmen reverse-sweep you for boundaries on your debut.. ;)
So far these have been reported:

  • Run Out and Stumping Issues
  • No. of Reverse sweeps and against the type of bowler.
  • Camera angles and early cuts to automatic replays.
  • AI Legside bowling

P.S. As a small suggestion, I personally feel it would be a nice touch to not cut to the umpire while appealing or when the AI has appealed (In non broadcast cams only). That way the game flow isn't affected and incase we could score a run, then would be easier this way.
Can anyone recall a proper reverse sweep of a fast bowler in real life? I'm not talking about scoop shots, but with the full bat swing and everything. There just isn't enough time.
Can someone from Big Ant explain why all the state/county sides you get to start with in Career mode are all.. 'level 1' or 'level 2' sides at best? All of them seem to have like 1-star batting and 2-star bowling.. is this normal?
Can someone from Big Ant explain why all the state/county sides you get to start with in Career mode are all.. 'level 1' or 'level 2' sides at best? All of them seem to have like 1-star batting and 2-star bowling.. is this normal?

Have you downloaded the teams with get best? It will be because of the team creator (probably monkeymono) if that is the case.
I'll spend a good hour or so in getting all the good teams manually as i want everything to be near perfect before i start the career. Till then i would just play around with different modes. Gotta go and finish the rest of TLOU as i wont be playing it after today.
Hi All,

Finally got around to playing for an hour, some quick issues to report:

1. AI and Manual player tries to catch sixes over the boundary and in some cases the commentator also remarks that the player has dropped a catch; i.e my player dropped a catch over the boundary. ( Teams Pak vs Aus ) Lahore cricket club

2. Runner slows down / acts lazy while approaching crease

3. Camera work needs improvement - i have only played in broadcast mode, but even than its hard to tell whether i should call for a run or not.

Will report any issues when i play more tomorrow. Quite a departure from regular cricket games but a good one at that.
Can someone from Big Ant explain why all the state/county sides you get to start with in Career mode are all.. 'level 1' or 'level 2' sides at best? All of them seem to have like 1-star batting and 2-star bowling.. is this normal?

These teams are full of mostly young and developing players why would you expect ratings to be higher?
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