Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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For all you guys complaining about the slow running and stumpings and players not getting back in the crease, READ THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL!!!!

There is a sprint button, this acts as the button which sprints whilst running and it also slides the bat for quick singles!! Also, this solves the issues with it taking a second for you to see where the ball is, because with the delay, you can start sprinting and slide your bat and you will make the single easily

also, for stumping, there is a button that makes you get back into your crease quickly, as soon as you miss the ball you press this button and your player gets back into the crease, it may be the same button as sprint but i am not sure

This will solve all your problems re: run out, stumpings, and the delay for seeing where the ball goes and being able to make a single

Ive watched 2 videos so far and all i see is a batsmen trodding down the wicket for a single when i KNOW there is a sprint button which you could turn your lazy ones into two's and also slide your bat when entering the crease

It amazes Ross hasnt pointed this out already as he told me like 10 times during the playsession to make sure i was sprinting to slide my bat / get back into the crease against spinners
Madman981 great advise. Just like the camera trouble, maybe people are jumping the gun here.
Yeah people dont seem to be reading the manual, never had an issue getting run out if i knew where the fielders were and used the sprint, slide the bat problem, even with the delay


it is literally the most important button when batting!
settle china, you can hit the ball as many times as ya want but if you continue to get run out / stumped it all seems rather pointless doesnt it....
settle china, you can hit the ball as many times as ya want but if you continue to get run out / stumped it all seems rather pointless doesnt it....

I don't run. It's boundaries or nothing (considering I probably block just as much if not more than BD, it's nothing).
From watching a video in another thread, it should be mentioned in here about the AI choosing Peter Nevill (non keeping keeper with 0 bowling rating) to bowl. I think another keeper with a 0 bowling rating also bowled while a couple of well known bowlers like Behrendorf didn't get on. Hopefully this can be fixed in a patch where guys with a bowling rating of less than say 10 never get chosen by the AI to bowl


The other thing I picked up on from watching the same video (career mode Aussie game) was that the career player came in at 3 down for 14 runs and yet the AI had a field set with long on and off out and just 1 gully and no slips. So maybe an AI field setting to look at @Ross
The game looks fantastic tho, if a patch can iron things like this and the reserve sweep overuse out then you're on to a winner
it is literally the most important button when batting!

The most important button is the one that makes you move your feet you say?!... Paging @zombieian to the greenroom...
bowlers running to the batters side for no reason, and fast bowlers do the bowling action too early. Sometimes that ball goes through the bat, but the hotspot shows it was middled. Also there is no reaction from the batsman when he is hit(even with fast bowlers) but the commentators say that he looks in pain
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jeez, these issues are going to keep on piling on no doubt, ross it might be a good time for that holiday from planet cricket??

are we being too picky here??
Isn't the game really very very good when even the minute details are being looked at and mistakes in regards to that are being pointed out?
Obviously Big Ant need to put out an urgent patch that turns off the Broadcast Camera while they work on a fix to the complaints made.
And they're more than willing to listen to suggestions
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