Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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I disagree with most of your 'bugs' but I do agree with you here. Blocking is actually harder in terms of control complexity than playing a normal shot, which doesn't seem right. Obviously this has been balanced out by blocking having a far greater margin for error once you get all the buttons in, but I still don't think there's enough incentive to play it very often.

It seems, essentially, only to be there to counter good deliveries rather than to offer an easy, low-risk option of playing conservatively when time isn't an issue and you're sweating on a particularly delivery.

All that said, I'm lost for ideas on how you'd fix that.

I haven't played the whole game but from what I played in nets, I would want blocking and normal drives/shot to be reversed. I would prefer the normal control for batting (the two sticks) for blocking instead of shots. different directions to block it towards different ways Ala ashes09/ic10 style. . R2 button would be anything between pushes to normal drives depending on how hard you push it and rest should be the same. R2+L2 would be aggressive ground shots and L2 lofted shots, like they are now.
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Given the short nature of the game making blocking easy would result in too many draws and a lot of frustration.

Let's see after some time how it goes.
I have been playing lots of T20s on Pro Level but I for some reason Just cannot seem to access preset field settings during the game.
Every time I have to make the field again and again with every change in combination of bowler and batsman. I have tried every button every option and even read the manual but i cant find how to access preset field setting

Every time i press the up arrow key, it takes me to make my custom field and shows me none of the preset available fields
This is totally killing my experience of the game.

PS: My fielding settings are automatic.
Down D-Pad will get you field presets. Up is to further customise fields position by position.

It's in the manual:
Also is there a way to invert the batting shot directions because when I move the right stick to the right it hits left and vice versa.
Options>Controls>Invert Batting.


And for those working on the Academy and voices, here's a list of the names with their suggested Nationality or Type associations with them.


New Zealand



Young Voice
HBK- is there a way to view your career stats from somewhere? At the moment I've only found what I think are season stats by going to the competition page and then filtering for only showing my team.
Thanks for the list @HBK619.

The up on the D-Pad function is really intuitive and makes it really easy to specific players in a desired position. It works really well.
Given the short nature of the game making blocking easy would result in too many draws and a lot of frustration.

The thing is, blocking is easy when you're batting out a draw. Pre-meditated bloks are simple. There's just too much going on with all the buttons to make it a core foundation of your game when you have to react to each delivery on its merits though. To be fair we'll all probably train our reflexes to the game a lot more in the coming weeks, but I am finding it a shame that building the foundations from a solid defence and adding in shots as you go along - my initial strat - just isn't really a solid option for a beginner.

You've made a lot of posts about Big Ant employees/testers being good at some things, bad at others and the talent being spread around - are there many who have defence-orientated batting games?
You can easily switch to a block by simply pulling the trigger as you play the shot, ala, changing your mind as I've done hundreds of times in the nets. Vastly prefer the controls as they are, the focus being on scoring runs rather than a defensive mindset... Which is not how the modern game works at all.
Sincere apologies if this has been asked already. Im having trouble bowling spin. When I flick the right stick for the type of delivery it actually changes the line that Im bowling. Am I doing something wrong.
You don't flick the right stick for the type of delivery. The type of delivery is chosen with the left stick before choosing a length.
I just realised that in career mode, the other players stats don't change from game to game, only mine do. Not a big deal but takes some realism away!
Co-op not head to head HELP!


If anyone could be so kind as to tell me how I can play with my mate in a casual match on the same team?

It seems we can only verse each other not play on the same team?

Also when choosing teams I was player 1 and I had all the correct team names, however my friend who was player 2 had very different team names, which is very annoying and unrealistic.
however my friend who was player 2 had very different team names,
Looks like you'll need to have gone to the cricket academy and done the 'get best' for all the profiles on the console.

There's no co-op in the game at the moment, but is planned for a future patch.
After watching bunch of gameplay videos, it does seem that bowling AI out is not that difficult. Would it be possible to ramp up the difficulty level of bowling as well so that a 16 year old career player doesn't pick up "6 for not much" easily?

AI scores runs when simulation is on but when users bowl to AI, it don't seem to put up big scores. Looks like a potential issue in the offline mode and hopefully can be patched in.
You don't flick the right stick for the type of delivery. The type of delivery is chosen with the left stick before choosing a length.

Could somebody please confirm this. For spin bowling the manual clearly states to flick the right analog, but I have the same issue with the ball going all over the pitch. Is the manual wrong?.

Thanks for the help.
Mode: Career
Match Type: Four Day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 46.5 overs South Australia's 2nd Innings
Ground: Melbourne.
Teams: Victoria vs South Australia
Get Best: Yes.
Description of Issue: Bat folded back when sliding in, resulting in a runout. Video:

Sure it was off my bowling so I'm happy with getting a wicket, but that should never be out.
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