Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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Yes only them at the moment but you can replace any team and add what you want. Bigant will fix this we just need to give them time, like the other problems in the game
I think I'll be holding off on the game until the patch gets released. watching the videos and following everyones feedback is fine...I can wait. Game looks impressive though but I know the AI "too straight" bowling will really piss me off and I dont want to spoil the game for myself. When theh fix that and career-mode issues I will get it immrdiately.
how to do this at the current moment

Download a team from cricket academy and then swap but as other have said there is a problem with career mode so no rush and also read the forum.

PS I sound like Snowy for a second there.:eek:


I think I'll be holding off on the game until the patch gets released. watching the videos and following everyones feedback is fine...I can wait. Game looks impressive though but I know the AI "too straight" bowling will really piss me off and I dont want to spoil the game for myself. When theh fix that and career-mode issues I will get it immrdiately.

You are missing out, sure the game needs lots of tweaks but it's to good to miss out on the fun. Still each to there own.
I haven't played it yet as I am waiting for the game to be released- what about in tour mode can we select a stadium and name it as I know C.A most of the stadium names are there...Replacing the teams in career mode you mean ???
Quick survey; Who finds the bat a little too "glow in the dark" during matches, ie, the bat-colour tends to "glow" and you can't always make out the stickers or the colours on the bat. I've tried changing a few things on my television and gamma but I think it's something to do with the lighting and the bats tend to be a little too reflective? I'm just wondering whether it's me just being picky, I often can't see any of the stickers on the bats with lighter-colour graphics and the darker colored ones just look like Blue or Black blotches...
Is there a chance of a patch for adding more details to the scoreboard? We don't have maiden overs, strike rate, economy rate, etc ... on it.
Is there a chance of a patch for adding more details to the scoreboard? We don't have maiden overs, strike rate, economy rate, etc ... on it.

I said the same somewhere, strange and a little annoying as us cricket lovers love are little details and stats.

Playing on ps3, whenever I leave a match, it freezes on the saving screen. It's happened the last three games I've played. It's also happening if I go into different menu options
The ball doesn't bounce enough. Bowling a 148 kph delivery and the ball bounces once or twice before the keeper. Nicks and edges don't carry when that happens. Its very frustrating.

Also whats with the dislodging of the bails at on nearly every ball by a fielder?
Is it possible to bowl someone and take a stump out of the ground? So far all mine
are just taking the bails off. Have been using Johnson and bowling around 150kph.
Is it possible to bowl someone and take a stump out of the ground? So far all mine
are just taking the bails off. Have been using Johnson and bowling around 150kph.

So far the only time I've seen stump(s) uprooted is when a fielder hits the stumps directly. None of the bowleds I have seen yet has knocked over the stumps.
feel like there are a lot of things in gameplay that should be addressed before we look into things outside the domain of gameplay.

I have bowled around 110-130 overs in test mode and there major things that are starting to stand out.

-catches at slip or anything going through or over slips are extremely rare actually have not had anything in there so far on green pitches.

-spin bowling is the same regardless of what pitch or what day you bowl on which is a bit of a let down. I bowled 35 overs with Ajmal and Afridi on a 5th day dusty pitch with maximum wear and the amount of spin was at a bare minimum and many times not even there even though spin and release inputs are on perfect a lot of the times. This is very unrealistic.

-Bat pad fielders are a waist of time, there is no action at bat pad what so ever except for the odd unrealistic times when fielders 2-3 meters away are catching full blooded shots.

So caught at slip or bat pad dismissals are extremely, extremely rare and i am starting to wonder if they are even possible. The whole longevity and fun of bowling in a test match decreases a lot when those 2 modes of dismissal are non existent.

-AI intelligence is basically non existent, they will have a long on and long off very early in a test innings while a pace bowler is bowling. This is so ridiculous.

- Same goes for AI batting majority of wickets i get in test mode are from lofted drives and lofted shots to cover and midwicket.

-Run rates are quite high at times too especially in the test matches were i simulated the innings
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I'm liking the game a lot more as I am getting better at it but do feel the animations are not matching or representing the actions I expect when controlling my batsmans actions.

I really feel as if some of the swooping bat swings a flails are not very fitting in regards to what I want to see happen when controlling the batsman.

Personally, what I want to see when the ball comes hurtling down at pace is to see the main point of Bat, to be the focal point of my attention and getting it into a suitable position to play the stroke I choose based off of the ball position in flight and after bounce, so ideally you want it to be in a stable enough position once footwork is chosen, to craft an innings and play stokes with delicate ease and deft touches and aggressive shots to rubbish if so desired.

The problem I'm seeing is the footwork is seemingly the focal point around the crease and the bat is kind of just there at the right time when the bat is swung through the various animations, some way too extravagant shoulder button shots with bat position ending up in very unkind positions to a lot of quite normal balls that should be dealt to in ways not possible as is with such wild motions.

What I thought might help is if perhaps if possibly tested and I know it's a long shot, if the shot animations could be changed so that the bat position through range of motion could be stabilized more around the stump area for the aggressive shots as well as normal and footwork to be more stable for all shot types to allow a tighter window for all shot types to be performed with more ease of motion and more subtle movement if that makes sense.

A good kind of example that could be used loosely to describe my thoughts is MLB The Shows batting.
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Hey Ross...I've ordered mine from Australia...should be arriving in a couple of weeks (what am I gonna do with my life until then).
Anyways, from watching all the videos, I would like to make 2 recommendations please (which may already be in the works for all I know).
Firstly, please implement auto invert for the controls (going from the broadcast camera to pro while batting gets weird with the switched controls)
Secondly, and I do realize how hard this actually is to implement, is there chance of a stadium editor being brought into the game?
Otherwise, I'm loving all the vids going up and I cannot wait until I get my hands on the game!!! :thumbs
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