Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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Really enjoying the game so far but a few issues are getting annoying, I've only really played online so far though.

1. Run Outs - A few times now I've had completely stupid run outs happen to me where my players just walks back over the crease as the bails are being knocked off or even worse he's gone past the line then for some reason decides to walk back out and gets stumped.

2. Was having an issue online where every time I hit the ball the screen would go black for a second and also the game would crash at some point when I'm batting although installing the game seems to have fixed that.

3. If the opponent online goes to the dashboard or turns his Xbox off you don't get the win, I had an opponent just now who I battered and when the ball went over the boundary to win the game he simply quit and I don't get the win, it just asks me if I want to save the game for later and obviously he isn't going to rejoin. Seems utterly stupid that I have to play a game which takes quite a while for the opponent to leave at the last second and I have nothing to show for it.
Given how I like the idea of depth and realism with ease of use, I decided to watch a few real batting net videos to give myself a better reference for how I would like the next games batting to work a lot more realistic and the 3 things that stuck out were the footwork and head positioning and bat positioning.

I've got an idea how to get this all working good and realistic, with few inputs. I'll map out the ideas over the next few days.

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spin bowling issues

Mode: any
Match Type: any
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): any
Ground: any
Teams: any
Get Best:nope
Description of Issue:

Every leg spin bowler bowls off spin even warnie every ball spins to the right ive been trying to work it out for a few hours. Anyone else had this problem I dont think im doing anything wrong?!?!
Mode: Casual
Match Type: Test
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Just after tea on day 1, England batting about 35 overs in after bowling me out earlier in the day
Ground: Adelaide Gardens
Teams: Australia (me) vs England (AI)
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: Just after tea on day 1 I had a rain interruption and play was called off for the day. When resuming play the next day my bowlers do not appear to have regained any stamina overnight.

This is possibly by design but I would've thought some stamina should've been regained overnight? I haven't had a chance to play through another test so cannot confirm if it always happens even on non rainy days.
That's kinda my point. Amateur is too easy but pro is too big a jump for the first increase.

I'm sure after a while it will be fine. It's just frustrating while you are trying to learn.

I mean the green zone for bowling goes from about 25% of the arc to the tiniest little sliver.

It goes to the "tiniest little sliver" because that is the timing for the upper difficulties (it doesn't get any smaller, just the HUD is not available).


@BigAntStudios in the latest CA update to pc(nets) the ai bowls too much leg side in all modes especially in default modes

Ok, I'll come clean, it's been funny reading the posts about the Nets since the last update - There was no change to the Nets in the latest CA update at all, not even bug fixes.
Any chance in an upcoming patch that a map of the field of the batting team online could be included? so confusing online, you don't have enough time to view the field!
Any chance in an upcoming patch that a map of the field of the batting team online could be included? so confusing online, you don't have enough time to view the field!

Ross has mentioned they have a plan of a way to make fielders more visible, but if that's a case of, say, adding fluoro arrows over people, I agree another solution is still needed online. After the commentators mention a fielding change and you see a cutscene of the ground, the bowler is often running in before you even get a chance to hold L2 to look around. I've tried holding L2 at the point the cutscene itself is happening, and it still doesn't often work.
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For the fielders on the boundaries or in the distance and hard to see in first person or other view, just a arrow marker with name above would be ideal.

Also an instant 'restart game' with all chosen game options and settings the same would be nice please thanks. :)
I've noticed in career once we choose where we bat it's for every form of the game, as well as the kit we choose, hairstyles etc etc. is there any chance in a patch that were able to slightly modify things? Kits, hairstyles, batting position, zinc so on. Things that in real life we are able to modify.
is there any chance in a patch that were able to slightly modify things? Hairstyles

Haha, I actually tend to agree with you slightly. Mostly because my "career player" as a "16 Year Old" bearded bald man... I imagine in "DBC15" there would be an automatic "aging" of your character going on, gradually getting older, or balder.

I envisage with every year of completed career you "unlock" certain aspects of your character to change or tweak. Bat, Shoes and other gear including features like hairstyles and so on as a "reward" for completing and so on...

For this iteration, there's so much other compelling stuff it doesn't bother me, but certainly something to consider in future versions.


Please tone the fielders down (specially bowler) they make me look stupid and catch really each and everything

I think a number of people have been saying the same thing about the fielders, they move too fast, etc. I imagine this is at the top of the list for tweaking, they certainly catch EVERYTHING and hit the stumps 99.9% of the time.

I'm wondering if that's the attributes set-up in the Cricket Academy and whether or not it would be worthwhile re-setting them all to 0 or something, because when they were being done we didn't know how they implicated gameplay... and I think certainly the fielding and speed stats (if there are, I can't remember without looking) are possibly set waaaaay too high.

My biggest gripe with the game is you can't just nudge the ball over the inner circle, because the fielder warp-speeds it to the ball to catch you out 100% of the time, I've never been able to just clear the infield and get 2... It's either 1 or 4...

...which in career mode where runs are tough to come by, is a little frustrating.
@Biggs.Im currently batting in pro view mode in career. tried it? I reckon its easier to bat, still hard but i got to 24 which beats my prevuous best of 6
...that's the one thing I haven't tried, let me give it a go and I'll let you know. Good thinking...
This bug happened during a online match where umpire just refused to count the balls no matter it is legit or not. He started counting only after one wicket fell.

@BigAntStudios any luck reproducing above bug? I never faced any lag during online matches but this bug surely frustrated my opponent. :p
Or is it somethin you coded specifically for Ishant Sharma. If thats the case then that is some great attention to detail ;)
I once received a PS3 trophy that I didn't earn.

I finished bowling an over, and the next bowler bowled his first delivery as a bouncer. The PS3 trophy alert came up, saying something like "You bowled a bouncer above the head" and gave me some XP - even though I was actually fielding at gully at the time! :D
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