Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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I've kept my comments to myself until now, but just have to vent...

Most of what i am about to say has already been expressed, but like i said i need an avenue to let my frustrations out, for this i am sorry, feel free to not read this post.

The game is seriously flawed! In many ways. We have all gone on about how ridiculous the fielding and running between wickets is but wow! An easy single to deep long on gets you runout unless you sprint, however if you sprint from start to finish you can sometimes pick up an easy 3.. Silly, then the bloody fielder throws to the bowler who decides to take the bails off 3 or 4 times for some stupid reason. THEN when the fielder hits the stumps from the outfield (everytime), the commentators call it "bowled, middle stump knocked out of the ground, great captaincy to make that bowling change"... Seriously, what??

Phil Hughes opening the bowling....? ( I know this has also been mentioned but still)

Some really bad, buggy animations and graphics throughout.

SUPER HUMAN FIELDING FROM THE BOWLER. Caught and bowled how many times???

Gotta love the scoreboard at the start of the match.
Weather for the morning = 12 degrees celsius lunch time = 27 degrees celsius afternoon = 11 degrees celsius...evening = 28 degrees celsius.. I know it is not a game breaking bug but why include this extra feature if it is just stupid and not done properly?

Bowler comes into the attack over the wicket, next ball around the wicket, then over, then around etc...

Why have a block/defensive shot button if it is harder to play than an aggressive shot?

I must admit i liked the idea at first of no fielding radar, but when the runout issue is so major, need as much help as we can to pick up a run.

just played a t20 match in career mode for Perth Scorchers(apparently my 0.33 averagein Shield was good enough to get an offer), when i started batting coming in at 3, we were 1/60 off 5 overs, so they changed the field and put in 4 slips, a gully and a silly mid off....WHY??

I have been a huge fan of following this game and a big fan of @BigAntStudios for quite a while but i really really don't like what i have right now in DBC14. Thank God for this forum and all you guys on here working on the cricket academy, for that i thank you. And thankyou to Bigantstudios for promising patches for the game, i have a massive amount of respect to you, but until then i can't play DBC14 until some issues are fixed.

The concept of feedback requires that you're impartial, fair and not emotional about it. That would be my advice, read that back and if you got that as a "performance appraisal" is it fair, or too emotive? I don't think you've formed a balanced opinion, really. Yes, the game has frustrations, most of them are easily fixed (Run Outs, Career mode squad list, Fielders and so on) so they can be immediately discounted as they've been noted and will be fixed.

The only slightly complex "issue" is that of the balance between that of the learning curve of batting vs. bowling, where the balance lies in those two areas is grey currently and I'm looking forward to the feedback from the guys on that, because that's the one area of the game that is causing the most debate and again, is most likely reasonably easy to tweak as time goes on.

I'm not discounting your frustrations, I sympathize with a few of them, but they're not as dramatic as you're making them out to be, certainly the run-out glitch is easily avoidable in the short-term by simply not diving to make the crease.
Thanks Biggs, you are correct, definitely emotional outburst, should have gone to the gym or something to get my frustrations out!! Guess I just expected to be sitting on the lounge all weekend non stop getting into my career. Instead PS3 turned off and watching Melbourne vs Titans....:facepalm
It goes to the "tiniest little sliver" because that is the timing for the upper difficulties (it doesn't get any smaller, just the HUD is not available).

I know that is the timing, Im saying that the jump in difficulty between amateur and pro is too great.

You start with rookie and amateur where its completely impossible to bowl a bad ball. The "good zone" takes up most of the screen then by moving up just 1 level of difficulty that zone becomes too small.

Its not "upper difficulties" either its the middle setting which on most games would be called "normal".

I dont have any issue with the game having complexity. In fact i think that will turn out to be the best aspect. However there is no good setting for learning.

Both the first two difficulties offer no challenge whatsoever then the third goes over the top for a beginner.


While Im at it. Why doesnt the ball turn at all with spinners?
We are reading all of the posts.

We will meet tomorrow to discuss any changes for the upcoming patches.

Please use the templates at all times and don't be emotional, the "I can't believe" "how did you miss" "what's with" and the like are going to make it a lot harder for us to take the request/issue seriously.

Thanks for the feedback so far, it's encouraging that most things are tweaks and not major additions (as in they are likely to be implemented if valid).
I think that difference is more perceived than anything else.

While bowling on Amateur, you see the HUD and think that to bowl successfully you must hit the green zone every ball. You switch to Pro, and find this is impossible, because the windows are so tiny.

Took me a while to realise bowling well doesn't mean hitting the green zone every time. Nothing wrong at all with your foot being slightly further back in the crease, or bowling slightly shorter/fuller than what you initially selected (in fact, most of the time that's something you want to do deliberately).
And another [not affecting gameplay] issue I would mention is that:

Note:Happens in career mode for me

1.When I dont place any close in fielder and if the batsman defends straight then the keeper goes through the stumps and the batsman to get the ball...

2.After I bowl a delivery and if the batsman defends then the non-striker runs across the crease and pushes the bowler as well.

3.When I switch from over to around or vice versa, the umpire shows his hand to not bowl now on the left side only even when I bowl around the wicket..
I've downloaded the "best" teams and playing career with the Vic Bushrangers. Everything seems fine as far as batting and bowling line-ups. I thought there was meant to be an issue... has this been fixed from the CA side?
I'm playing with Vic in my career and they're right as rain...

Thanks Biggs, you are correct,

That's my next signature, haha. But seriously, you (and others too) raise really great points but as Ross said, just keep it to the simple "report" format (listed in my Signature below) and keep any emotive or negative stuff to a minimum. The more people that say the same stuff, the more likely it'll get fixed.

I get the impressions videos help too, for what it's worth. Grab a video or picture if you can and post that as well, helps visualize the error for the dev guys.

I'm off to get knee deep in my career again, thankfully I got through that horrid first Big Bash season so I have a nice few 4 day matches to spend a bit of time getting that first 50, of most likely, 100+ deliveries!
I am not using the issues template because this is not an issue actually. However it would be really cool if we had some more variations of the camera views:

1. A camera exactly between close and far batting cameras. The height needs to be not so low like the close cam and not so high as the far cam (exactly middle!! ).

2.The broadcast camera needs to be a little closer.(attached below)

3. Is First person view of bowling and Fielding cameras possible like pro mode ???

Having a wonderful time....Thanks Big Ant.:cheers


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Turning off replays turns off every single replay, including wickets and challenges.

Perhaps the option could be

All on -- minimal --- all off
Today i played another multiplayer game online and had another issue

Mode: Online
Match Type: T10
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):
Teams: australia vs india all time best
Get Best: yes
Reproducible (Yes/No/How Many times out of 3/5/10):
Description of Issue:

Left arm bowler bowled me a yorker, i tried to hit straight and i knicked to the keeper and umpire gave me out. I went for review and its clear the ball knicked the bat and it hit the ground and went to the keeper. hot spot not considering after it hit the bat.

Apart from the minor issues when playing online, i really thank ross & team for making such a beautiful game. I played around 8 games online and its unbelievable i never faced a lag. :thumbs
1. Hard to know - hasn't happened to us, hopefully does not happen again for you.
2. Will check this out.
3. Will check, hope this is not because the other guy had it turned off.
4. It is not lag during online play, it is by design as follows:

The issue is that time it takes for the ball to be bowled is actually faster than the time it takes for a packet to go across the internet. So something needs to be slowed down or paused.

The key outcome is that the batsman will always sees things in real-time, as if the game was local. The bowler cannot because of above.

Once we know the bowlers input we halt the bowling machine to make sure the batsman has had time to have the delivery, this may appear as lag but it is not.

The main thing is that the batsman has to play in real time and play every ball on it's merits, they do not see the slowdown that the bowler sees.

We tried many ways to overcome this issue, slow down play, etc.. but this was the best.

Experience the same.
Just played my first game online. It was Ashes Cricket 13 kinda behavior.
I was bowled at one delivery and the bails went down when the keeper picked up the ball from the ground. The bails should have gone down when the ball hits the stumps.

Bowling meter was not there as a result I ended up bowling too many wides and the match was ended coz of that forfeit thing.

Ross please provide us details regarding this.
my internet connection is working fine.
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