Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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Mode: Career
Match Type: FC
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): 34th over, Tasmanian innings
Ground: Melbourne (as always)
Teams: Victoria (me) vs Tasmania
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: The batsmen complete a single, the ball is thrown back to the wicketkeeper while the batsman is in the crease, batsman decides to randomly walk out of his crease - wicketkeeper hits the stumps, run out.


Ive had exactly the same issue once before.
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i was playing T10 match at Veterian difficulty.... the AI team made 94 in 10 overs but in middle of there innings about 7th over it start rain Beautifully... match was stopped but when resumed they continued their batting and they made 94 in 10 overs... now my innings started i needed to chase 95... but overs were revised to 7 overs... (3 overs were deducted due to rain).. but target was same 95... and i lost by 23 runs as game ended in 7th over i was 6down only......:noway
Mode : career
Diff: pro
Get best : yes
Team : Victoria
Role : batsman
After 11 games of the od it ask me to go to the next season !
In game 11 I was mom my avg is 25.64 with 3 fifties one in game 10 does this mean I was dropt for the rest of the season ! Hard to belief after that game
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Yes, there is a bug that has 11 games played - will be fixed in the 1st patch.
Yes, there is a bug that has 11 games played - will be fixed in the 1st patch.

While on it may i ask

1. How long will the development, testing, submission and release take?
2. If this comes out before the PC version, will it be a part of the disc?
I can't give timeframes for console but it wont be too long.

All fixes/additions will ship with the PC version.
With due respect, this is what I am talking about with regard to emotive language - put it in a bug report or if it has already been reported perhaps "thank" that report.

This is not helpful.


Worked out how to use "thanks" yet :rolleyes

This comment came from a someone who has waited a life time to play a decent cricket game. I fully appreciate the fact that you have produced just that for us. There is so much good in the game that little nuances like the runout bug deflates my spirit while enjoying this brilliant product of yours. I did not mean to start WWIII and if my emotive comments has caused disarray, I am truly sorry. I never meant to sound rude or anything.
It's really not.

Perhaps not, but the point was that bowling just doesnt work in career. The AI cant handle it. Someones clever response was to increase the difficulty. Which in turn would make batting even harder. Given that my high score is 3 in batting that seems like a bad idea.

The difficulties do not match, thus making an all rounder a lop sided experience at best.
This comment came from a someone who has waited a life time to play a decent cricket game. I fully appreciate the fact that you have produced just that for us. There is so much good in the game that little nuances like the runout bug deflates my spirit while enjoying this brilliant product of yours. I did not mean to start WWIII and if my emotive comments has caused disarray, I am truly sorry. I never meant to sound rude or anything.

It's not you in particular, it's just that it's hard to read post after post with hyperbole. It's been a long time and I am tired, we're not going WWIII any time soon :)

I certainly have respect for your opinion which is why I mentioned "due respect" at the start of my post. I feel that as a community we have somewhat produced this game together :yes
Match Type:FC
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured):N/A
Get Best:No
Description of Issue:My Career mode is not saving, i setup my career player and played the first match successfully.However after the first match, the screen hangs at loading files and i had to manually shut the game down. Even it is not allowing me to start a new career as the screen just hangs. I tried online as well and even that is not responding.My PS3 is not modded and my game is not pirated (bought it from flipkart). Any suggestions would help. My PS3 ID # vpalaprthi

Attached the screenshot where the game hangs


  • Career 2.png
    Career 2.png
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  • Career01.jpg
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The patch is complete and in test.

@MattW will be joining us for our DBC14 Wrap Party on Friday and will have an opportunity to play the patched version and will be free to report back here on what he thinks of it.
The patch is complete and in test.

@MattW will be joining us for our DBC14 Wrap Party on Friday and will have an opportunity to play the patched version and will be free to report back here on what he thinks of it.

Do patches need to be approved by Sony/Microsoft??
Hey Guys.

Has anyone else noticed that the 12th man gets credited a game in his stats even though he's the 12th man and not playing... i guess not a big deal but for a stat nut like myself those sorts of things make me want to tear my hair out!... be awesome if that could be fixed :thumbs as we cant even edit it out with the editor as there earned stats! :(
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