Don Bradman Cricket Academy V 1.00 Beta is available (Updated 28/03)

It disgusts me that Broad did not walk and I think he is a cheat, however I don't think the Australians are in any position to give him grief because this ashes tour was one of the mos unsportsmanlike I've ever seen and I know not a single one of them would walk if they thought they could get away with it.

bah...easy to say from your couch. Whenever I played cricket and was given not out even though I knew I nicked it...I'd stay and play. Why? its the rules - if there is an appeal and I'm given out...I won't complain (I've been given out when I didn't nick the ball as well) but if they get it wrong, so be it. Umpires are human and make mistakes (I used to umpire as well). I believe it all evens itself out in the end.
You can accidentally walk, I haven't seen it for quite a while... indeed I haven't seen it since we changed it to another button on Mike as a joke.... so funny he was swearing at the screen wondering why he was going out every other ball :)
Thanks Ross I was wondering if you could accidentally do that. So does that mean with running between wickets the further you hold the trigger the faster they run?
Thanks Ross I was wondering if you could accidentally do that. So does that mean with running between wickets the further you hold the trigger the faster they run?

I believe there's a sprint button.
Ahh I see, one final question about running between wickets, how easy is it to judge singles/twos etc, I can't remember seeing a pitch map, and watching the gameplay videos if you hit the ball a long way its difficult to know if its goin all the way, can the camera zoom to a kind of broadcast cam after you hit the ball while in behind batsman cam, I know its probably not the case in pro cam. I think in previous games judging the running had always been easy but the pitch map/runners box thing was probably the only good point about them!!
You'll be able to judge as reasonable as you could in the real game.
Ok cheers, its hard trying to gauge much from an iPod screen!!itll be much easier on Xbox!!
I believe there's a sprint button.

I know that isn't new information, but it just occurred to me - is this the first cricket game ever to do that? Adds yet another important element to gameplay, it's fantastic.
It's not just a sprint button, it's on the analogue trigger, which means you can basically pick how fast you run between wickets.

In the career mode video with Mikey, I was basically sprinting on every run in the one day match, and within the space of a few overs I'd hit the wall on fatigue - I think you can see me running noticeably slower at the end of my innings.
It's not just a sprint button, it's on the analogue trigger

I never knew this. I thought you just pressed square (PS3) to run, double tap it to run faster etc...
I'll take your word for it seeing as you have played the game but looking at the controls there is no given indication about control of running speed.


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