Don Bradman Cricket Academy V 1.00 Beta is available (Updated 28/03)

Thanks for understanding, I'm big on people getting credited for their work so hate it when this sort of stuff happens.

I remember back at the time we took the server down for maybe a week, the only time we took it off the air was for this bug.

All fine Ross, to make up for it :rolleyes (just kidding) maybe you could supply me with a note, so I can go into EB Games a day earlier on my birthday explaining that I'm allowed to pick up my copy early for "review" purposes, lol. :p

Yes, I know that wouldn't work, but hearing about these lucky sneaky Singaporian's is no doubt going to have a few Planet Cricket and Big Ant Forums people going a bit bananas. :facepalm
Quick question somebody might be able to answer, I haven't had chance to try 'get best' yet. When a player is in multiple teams, how does 'get best' button decide which version to use. For example, will Mrdconnors international Ian Bell be used or will Munkeymomo's Warwickshire Ian Bell be used. Thanks.
If you download 'Get Best' via teams, it will use the version that is in the Best Team.

There is the option in the Players section to individuall download the best player on a player by player basis.
and if a player is linked into different teams then that one player will show up in those teams.
So how does the game internally decide the order of teams to do the 'get best' from? Wouldn't that produce odd outcomes if one of the smaller teams that's downloaded last has a different creator with not as good choices on players that happen to be in other squads?

Ideally get best would distinguish between them and pick the one that's highest rated individually (or at least the one in the highest ranked team taking priority), so the same linked player isn't replaced multiple times before the process finishes.
So how does the game internally decide the order of teams to do the 'get best' from? Wouldn't that produce odd outcomes if one of the smaller teams that's downloaded last has a different creator with not as good choices on players that happen to be in other squads?

Ideally get best would distinguish between them and pick the one that's highest rated individually (or at least the one in the highest ranked team taking priority), so the same linked player isn't replaced multiple times before the process finishes.

I believe there is some logic to the system with rankings taken into account before the replace, I will check tomorrow.
I should download this and check it out. Just haven't had time. Any nice surprises other than the ones the release notes mentioned?
For the best teams wont some teams be rated higher then others based on the makers ratings?(India will be like Fing 5 stars and everyone else 3.5?)
For the best teams wont some teams be rated higher then others based on the makers ratings?(India will be like Fing 5 stars and everyone else 3.5?)

If you don't like the ratings you can change them yourself
At the moment they turn out fairly even, with South Africa the highest rated, which is right.

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