Story -- Englands International Season 2006/07 -- England V India -- [C2005]

WELL DONE STRAUSSY!!!!!!! More like well done me! It took a hell of a lot of doing!!!

Another update soon!
**double post sorry**

As highlighted by Zorax (see below)
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Pepsi Test Series
England Vs India
1st Test
Day 3


Valliant Hoggard Falls To Pathan:

Ifran Pathan's miserable bowling figures were improved very slighty as he grabbed the prized scalf of Matthew Hoggard who made an excellent 37. The ball that actually got him out was a corker, going accross him and niping away, it was too good for a taiender and if had bowled it aginst any of the top order they would have gone too... its a shame he didnt... This 37 allowed Andrew Strauss to break the world record, it contained a few fours and what fours then were, one was glided over the slips against Kumble and the other was a drive through the covers which came against Zaheer Khan, the rest of the runs were knock down singles and it was a very controlled innings from the tailender. Steven Harmison is the next man in and he prorably wont last that long... then again, that what they said about Hoggard!


England lead by 573 runs.

England: 840/9

A Strauss: 409*
S Harmison: 0*

I Pathan: 2/443
Z Khan: 0/74
A Kumble: 1/117
S Tendulkar: 3/156
Harbajan Singh: 3/19

India must be doing badly if Hoggard can manage to get 37 :p

Pepsi Test Series
England Vs India
1st Test
Day 3


End Of Innings:

Steve Harmison didnt make as many runs as Hoggard but he stayed in long enough to make himself a tidy little 11 and he allowed Andrew Strauss to get another 25 runs in a partnership of 40. It didnt matter about the 40 runs really because India, i dont think, are going to get anywhere near this total they have been set, it would mean scoring 400 a day for 2 days and hardly losing any wickets. Harmison eventually perished to Sachin Tendulkar who was India's main wicket taker with 4. H etried to sweep him and it went straight up into the air, Yuvraj Singh didnt even have to move. Andrew Strauss ended on a new world record 436*, he carried his bat through a two day innings and played some marvelous shots in the process, he is turning out to be a real star for this England team, they can probrably eek one out tonight and then get the rest tmorrow.. thats the plan.. but as you know, anything can happen in the world of cricket!



England lead by 613 runs.

England: 880 All Out

A Strauss: 436*

I Pathan: 2/454
Z Khan: 0/78
A Kumble: 1/117
S Tendulkar: 4/180
Harbajan Singh: 3/19

Go Strauss! 436* what an achievement, well done to Strauss and you Harmison! England need to get India out quickly and then they should be on easy street!
Breaking that record was probrably one of the hardest challenges ive ever done on that game. Once i got past the 200 mark i was just focused on doing it, no silly shots etc.
S_Harmison said:
Breaking that record was probrably one of the hardest challenges ive ever done on that game. Once i got past the 200 mark i was just focused on doing it, no silly shots etc.
Speaking of records - were anymore broken (for partnerships etc), you only missed out on the highest innings total ever by about 50 or 60 runs (I think)!
Didnt really think about breaking any other records, i might check.... I dont think i broke any partnership ones because they were only ever 150 - 200.

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