Story England's Journey to WorldCup-Ashes06-07 : 3rd Test (Perth)

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i think bucknor gave it not out becase the ball hit him on knee roll and the batsman was well forward so height is a concern
well, that was a worst decision by any batsman to come well forward and defend it when the situation demands a boundary. May be some one should have fixed McGrath(:spy) during that Vaughan's fielding decision before the final ball. ;)

Anyways, as I said before, irrespective of the result of this match, England have done pretty well to get close to Aussies. Fantastic presentation as always. :clap
Thanks everyone for your wonderful replies. You replies encourage me to do more and more unique and innovative stuffs so keep them coming.

LOL @ Leicester Fox for editing all the replies and quoting them as out. :D

well, that was a worst decision by any batsman to come well forward and defend it when the situation demands a boundary. May be some one should have fixed McGrath during that Vaughan's fielding decision before the final ball. ;)

May be it was a wise decision by any batsman no survive on the last ball instead of winning as they are already 1-0 up in the series. Giving a chance to the opposition to level the series 1-1 by playing a rash shot and falling in the trap will lead to stupidity.

Mixed reactions all around. Some are saying its out and some are saying thats not out but it all depends on Mr.Bucknor and his decision. Stay Tuned as updates are coming up tonight:)
It would be not out in real life I expect but I feel that in the game, its going to be given since most deliveries which hit the pad tend to get given.
Last ball of the 2nd test match

It?s down to the decision of Steve Bucknor. It's really tense out there as both Australia and England fans are praying to go the decision in their favour. If Bucknor raises his finger then England will win this test match and square the series 1-1 but if he doesn?t gives that one out then Australia survive and will still lead the series 1-0 which will be really disappointing for England as they played superbly in this test match and deserved to win. Everything is in the hands of Steve Bucknor at the moment. Just one wrong decision will change affect the series tremendously. Let?s take a look at what actually happened with the last ball of the test match.

6th Ball: Australia need 3 runs in 1 ball.
Flintoff comes steaming in to bowl the final ball of the match and bowls a good length ball and McGrath comes well forward to defend that one but the ball comes back into the batsman and it has struck on the pads and that is might close. Huge appeal from all the England players and it looks like that?s gone. Steve Bucknor is taking a long look at that one and England players are confidently appealing. All the players have surrounded Bucknor and are appealing confidently but Will Steve Bucknor raise his finger????

Struck in Front....Will Bucknor give that out?

Bucknor is still taking his time to give the decision while England players are appealing confidently. McGrath has his heart in his mouth and so does Ricky Ponting. But the Australian supporters started dancing with joy when Steve Bucknor ruled the decision in favour of the batsman. England players are stunned with that decision and Flintoff is still appealing for that one. Vaughan is totally shocked with that decision but Bucknor says not out and now he removes the bails. The match is drawn as neither team wins this great Ashes battle. McGrath breaths a sigh of relief and Johnson quickly ran toward him to celebrate.
Bucknor says ' NOT OUT'

All eyes on the big screen to verify the decision with the hawkeye. Bucknor will be in the papers for wrong reason if this decision was wrong. But hawkeye confirms that the ball was hitting the batsman outside the line of the off stump and the batsman was attempting a shot so at first place thats clearly not out but the ball was going over the top of the stumps so its not out under any circumstances and surprisingly Steve Bucknor didn't commit any error this time.
Animated Hawkeye confirms the decision

Flintoff is frustrated with that decision and cannot believe that that was ruled in favour of the batsman. He started kicking the turf and had his hands on his head as he was totally disappointed and was not ready to leave the field. He should be cautious as he may lose some match fee after such behavior.
Flintoff is frustrated

England players are in a bit of shock at the moment and the Barmy army is stunned too but the end result is that Australia have managed to draw this test match. Australian players shake hands with the England players and quickly ran towards the dressing room to celebrate. Flintoff is still sitting on the pitch as he is totally shocked with that decision and on the other side Ponting is clapping and appreciating the efforts of McGrath and Johnson who managed to survive the final over and help Australia to draw this test match.
Disappointed Flintoff but ecstatic Ponting

This was one of the best test matches every played in the Ashes. We have all witnessed a terrific battle between the two teams and we hope that they will play similarly with the same fighting spirit in the remaining matches. Even though the match is drawn, one should never forget how well England played and fought back in this test match after losing the 1st test by a huge margin. Still the series in wide open but Australia have the edge as they lead the series 1-0. So the end result is that the 2nd 3 Mobile Ashes test ends in a draw and Australia still lead the series 1-0.
Match Drawn

Result : Match Drawn. Australia still lead the series 1-0 with 3 matches to play.
Good decission by Buckno :D NOT OUT and the hawk eye too confirmed that. Now nobody should blame Buckno for the decission in favour of Aussies :p We go 1 -0 up . Lets hope we will win the 3rd test and put more pressure on England . Great story and excellent presentation Gamu, as usual :clap
Yeh well played to Bucknor for not cracking with the pressure from the England team. A fantastic test that England deserved to win, but as usual it didn't quite go their way. Oh well, at least they actually put on a good performance and have shown they are capable of winning a game.

plum, missing off, missing leg hitting middle in the words of bumble. Oh well at least they showed they're good enough to compete in this match.
Well at least a whitewash can't happen :p. Superb update mate, Bucknor was right not to give it out. Time to start burning pics of him anyway :p

Great update mate, you really put so much effort into this and it shows :clap
It turned out to be a good decision in the end. Well done England to come so close in this match. They really gave more than their best in this match. Nice nice..

well done! I appreciate your fantastic efforts which you put up in this story! Keep it up :clap
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England were so near yet so far...thats really disappointing for all england players and fans....good decision by Bucknour under a lot of pressure...So england need to win to stay in the series...

Great GFX and Presentation...thanks for taking my advice abt the hawkeye...

England came so close, and flintoff would have been frustrated. Hawkeye showed it wwas a good decision, well played engand

Has there ever been a greater match played on an EA Cricket game? I doubt it, lucky to have Gamer present it like this as well!

Go McGrath, what a batsman. ;)
Exellent end to the match Gamer, certainly one of the best matches going around. Keep up the good work
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