Story England's Journey to WorldCup-Ashes06-07 : 3rd Test (Perth)

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1st Qualifying Match ---Bangladesh v SriLanka​


Third Man's Chat

David Gower : Hello and Welcome to The Third Man's Chat .Today we are here for the 1st qualifying match of the ICC Champions Trophy India 2006 between Bangladesh and Sri Lanka at Mohali, Chandigarh .We are just a few hours away from the start of the 1st qualifying match. With me in the studio are David Lloyd,Michael Holding, Nasser Hussain and Michael Atherton.Lets hear from this cricketing experts about their views and opinions about todays match.Well Naseer what do u think about this big tournament .

N. Hussain : Good Morning Everyone. This is the big tournament in which ever player wants to perform well and make a mark at like to continue with the good form till the World CuP. Players strive hard to win here as the stages after the qualifying stage are knockout stages. India is the host nation and conditions here are always difficult . Players always think this tournament as the Mini-World Cup . Well this will be a tough tournament with all the cricketing gaints playing .

M. Holding :Well todays match is the 1st qualifying match . Bangladesh are the minnows but can't just let them go as they can turn the match on the day when they perform well . Remember last time they beat the Aussies in England . So which says that anything is possible in cricket . SriLanka also performed in the past and will be looking forward to clear the qualifying stage with no problems as they are back with a good strong side.SriLanka have a very strong batting lineup and they is a possibility that there will be huge runs on the board if SriLanka bat first. Also Murali is there in the side and will be looking to get wickets in this match.

The Pitch Report

David Gower: Thank You gentlemen. Iam Botham is ready for the pitch report .Hello Ian what the pitch looks like for todays game ?.

I.Botham :Thank You David .Not much surprises from the pitch .This looks to be a good batting track with slow pace and ball will come nicely on the bat .There's help for the swing bowlers in the start as we can see some grass at few places but then it will be a good batting paradise.
The fast bowlers will get swing in the start and batsmen are going to face a bit of problem in the start .

If we go to the other end of the pitch then there is no grass and the spinners will be bowling here . Spin is possible on this wicket and Murali will be dangerous as usual as he has the ability to spin the ball on any surface

Overall a good batting track but some help for the bowlers in the end . Team winning the toss will decide to bat field first as they will be hoping to take few wickets in 1st 15 overs but if the batting side will keep there wickets in the start then there is a big chance to score lots of runs on this track .Back to you David.


David Gower: Ian Botham there giving an excellent pitch report and saying that its a good batting track and there will be swing in the start of the game . We will take a short break here on Third Man's Chat when we come back we will take you for the toss Stay Tuned .........

Brilliant yet again Gamer; Reading that pitch report was almost as if Simon Hughes did it.
Fantastic work yet again Gamer! You really go into a lot of detail and put loads of effort into this story!
The Toss

Bangladesh have won the toss and elected to field .​

David Gower: Michael Atherton is there on the pitch with the two captains for the toss.
M.Atherton : Thank You David ......H.Bashar has the coin ...Jayawardena calls Tails ...and it came down as heads .....Bangladesh have won the toss.?Well H.Bashar won the toss what will you elect to do ?

H.Bashar We will bowl first .The bowlers are likely to get some swing early on so if our bowlers will get few wickets early on then we can restrict the SriLankans from getting a big score. .

M.Atherton : How many bowlers are you playing with what about M.Mortaza is he playing ?

H.Bashar We are playing with 3 main bowlers and then the rest of the overs will be bowled by the part timers. M.Mortaza is still injured having twisted his ankle but he will be there in the next match ..

M.Atherton : Well good luck for the match H.Bashar.

H.Bashar: Thank You.

M.Atherton : Well Mahela disappointed by losing the toss ?

J'wardena: Well not really this is a good batting track with some grass in few small area of the pitch but its only at one end but the other end is nice and flat. All we have to do is to keep wickets early on and then it will be easy to play and posta good score.


M.Atherton :What about your team?

J'wardena: Well we are plauing with 4 bowlers and our batting lineup is strong and Atapattu is back in the side .

M.Atherton : Well good luck for the match Mahela.

J'wardena: Thanks .

M.Atherton: Back to you David
David Gower: Well the news from the center is that Bangladesh have won the toss and elected to field first.Lets take a look at the teams.
The Teams
Well SriLanka are playing with full strength but Bangladesh dont have their main inform bowler M.Mortaze which leaves then with only 3 frontline bowlers . Its impoertant for Banladesh that their fast bowlers should take wickets inside the 1st 15 overs
Well thats it from the The Third Man's Chat .We will take short break when we come back we will take you to straight to the first ball of the match

Stay Tuned.................

Note : As there is just a single stadium in India in the game i will use different stadiums to get some real effects in the game as the ingame Indian stadium has poor outfield......i will be playing this match in Cape Town.
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Well as we have seen in the past its dangerous to take the Tigers lightly, but you have to back the Lions to win this game.
There are more chances for SriLankans and WestIndies to top the qualifying stage!!!Anyways Gud luck for Zim and Bangla too :)
good updates mate,i will be picking bangladesh to win this game:)
keep up the great work.
Surprise to see Bangladesh are without there two main strike bowlers - Mohammad Rafique and Mashrafe Mortaza.
saurabh2185 said:
Surprise to see Bangladesh are without there two main strike bowlers - Mohammad Rafique and Mashrafe Mortaza.

Mashrafe Mortaza has injured his left ankle so he wont play todays game ...but he will play the 2nd match . M.Rafique is down with fever and i expected to return in the next match .
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