FIFA 07 vs Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Which one of these is the better soccer game in your opinion?

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Edit: Chris Gayle
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Never said it was, I'm satisfied easily anyway, but the fact that your still going on about it is a tad bit odd.

This isn't Pro 5/4/3 vs Pro 6

This Fifa 07 vs Pro 6
Edit: Chris Gayle
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This is a thread about talking about both games so what am I meant to be doing in it? How is it odd that I am talking about PES?

I am just saying that PES isn't realistic as some people think it is (Odd as it may seem to you :rolleyes:)

No I mean the comments about PES5 and stuff, seen loads of them about from hard feelings either just saying.

Yeah but the discussion isn't rock solid only on one thing, you know, threads do go slightly off topic ;).
Anyway, I was just talking of PES6' crapness.

That's your opinion and I am sure that if we asked people, that would be the opinion of a minority. I believe Pro has progressed (;)) with each version and Pro 6 is no exception.
Proved how? Most people on this forum (which should b a good enough sample size) would choose PES6 i believe
I've kinda given up on any PES game. That is until the next one comes along.
That is only this forum, a cricket forum, the majority of people on PES forums say it is unrealistic.
Most of you think the newest thing is automatically the best anyway and just forget about how good older stuff was.

You were having a go at me the other day for being so opinionated and making sweeping statements yet you yourself are doing it now. I think PES6 is the best because it offers the better gameplay to it's previous titles yet keeps the same basic elements as them. Now that's my opinion, don't go on a rampage saying how PES6 is crap again because you won't change mine, and probably won't change the others' on here either.

I've kinda given up on any PES game. That is until the next one comes along.

Dammit! I've just bought the PC version for online play as well!
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