General - Windows Vista vs Windows XP

Windows Vista or Windows XP? You decide!

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I just added a gig of RAM to my laptop. I'm thinking about utilizing my free academic license and getting Vista Business on my laptop. But I think I will abstain for now, since I have XP and Vista boxes now, so I'll be prepared in the eventuality that I need one or the other.
I'm not even considering using Vista until the first couple of service packs are out. It's a joke of an operating system tbh. Loads of compatability issues, crap over-protective or non existant security, it looks nice graphically but thats not enough to make me buy a botched system. I will buy home premium once windows sorts the problems out. But by the time that happens i'll have enough to buy an iMac.
well said :clap :clap

Even i am running Vista on my laptop with 512 mb RAM (Shared with video, so effectively, about 450 mb). I've got a 1.6 ghz dual core processor (not core 2 duo though :( ) It runs really smoothly, but i am forced to keep my aero off due to the lack of a good graphics card, and little memory...

if i manage to find a screwdriver which can open my laptop, i'll add another 128 mb RAM which is lying in my cupboard :p
I am using my sis's pc, it has a 2.8 GHz celeron, 1 gig of RAM, and Aero takes only about 47mb of your total pc ram.
ya only 47, but when i have only about 450 mb to start with, i'm left with about 400... also, it does take up some processor resources, as well as graphic requirement.
I would advise you lower up your alloted memory for graphics, since it doesnt even matter when you play games - Intel GMA dynamically allots memory as pwer requirement, so you should lower the pre-slloted memory to something like 8 mb if you can.
I could do it earlier through the BIOS, but ever since i installed Vista, that option's gone... Probably coz i updated my Bios after intalling Vista.

Any ideas how to do it??
Lol. there should be an option of " Integrated Graphics memory", just slide that down.

And also, i can advise if you can reinstall the previous bios. Only do that if there werent any probs with it and you updated it just like that. Although its as risky as updating your bios, but it can yield results.
well.. i had to update my Bios, coz the earlier one was supposedly 'not' supported by Vista... and ever since i upgraded my BIOS, the Integrated Graphics Memory Option's disappeared.... (i;ve checked it.. its not worded differently :p)

anyway, i'm planning to add more RAM to the system... probably will go in for another 512, to make it around 1 gig..

i have the Compaq Presario V3000 series Laptop... (3017 TU) can u tell me what type of RAM does it support???
I bought 1 gig for about $65 from I have of course forgotten what type it was. I bought the Crucial branded one.
i like vista... any good games i really wanna play i can, so instead of having all my old games on there cluttering it up.. i can be selective. not too mention when you have a good comp ... vista runs 10x faster then XP used to run on my old PC... so i haven't noticed a speed let down... its faster for me :P
I would really like to use Vista atleast once but I m currently not getting it bcoz of program compatibility.
i lols@ program compatibility..

every program i have tried to load has worked.

so meh factor

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