India in England/Ireland/Scotland

Jellybeans are hardly Semtex are they? And i'm sure that if they were thrown on the pitch then the camera's would have picked it up.
Are you seriously arguing that they didn't throw any ?

Cricinfo said:
Paul Collingwood preferred to get cheeky when asked about the incident - "I think he prefers the blue ones to the pink ones" - but Zaheer didn't think there was a comical side.
Apparently it did happen, very childish imo (from our players).

This series has been quite fiery, far more so than people were expecting.
That quote says nothing about actual jellybeans being involved. He's just saying he likes pink ones more. Until there is pictorial evidence then it's nothing.
It's overstepped the line a bit. Somethings like Sreesanth and the jellybeans are just a step too far.

That quote says nothing about actual jellybeans being involved. He's just saying he likes pink ones more. Until there is pictorial evidence then it's nothing.
So, the guys at Cricinfo are just fools to credit a whole article to it?

KP (when Zaheer was pointing the bat at him) : " You're taking to the wrong man"
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my brother was on the phone to his mate and they were chatting about jelly beans. sreesanth got fined for his actions.
Look you can argue it all you want, until I see some photographic evidence then it's all nothing. If it did happen then Sky's camera's would have picked up on it or there would be some kind of picture of it on the internet. If it is true then it's childish, but it's hardly bowling deliberate no-balls and shoving players is it?
Look you can argue it all you want, until I see some photographic evidence then it's all nothing. If it did happen then Sky's camera's would have picked up on it or there would be some kind of picture of it on the internet. If it is true then it's childish, but it's hardly bowling deliberate no-balls and shoving players is it?
"You cannot be serious! "
Testimonials from the players themselves aren't enough for you then.

Besides, jelly beans are tiny. If the cameraman didn't zoom in and focus on them, it'll be hard to find out. It's not like he knew what was happening at that time.
Well, this match has been a rubbish one hasn't it.

Not really given my view. 1st innings stuff from England was rubbish, nothing to shout about really. India batted with responsibility, lead poetically by Captain and Ex, The Wall and Ganguly (Or as TMS called him, Gangers, wasnt it?). Second innings from England, much better, but the 2nd new ball proved too much for the batmen and only really Sidebottem looked comfortable with it :p. Vaughan had a great knock, Collingwood had a decent one.

As far as the discipline comes in, Sreesanth should, and has, been fined for his over-eager behaviour, and lets face it, if hes going to sledge KP, hes gunna get some back. The beamer was unintentional, and was probably a result of overeagar anger towards KP.

In the end, a bunch of the Indians need to grow up a bit and play the mans game, and not the child game as they are now!
Show me a picture and i'll believe it. None of them have actually said "We threw jellybeans on the pitch", they've said things like "he prefers pink ones" and "I prefer winegums" none of which actually need the involvement of jellybeans to be said. Now you can accept that or you can carry on arguing with someone who's opinion isn't going to be changed unless there is conclusive evidence.
Fine, don't believe it. You're just being stubborn and childish now. Not everything will be recorded on camera. The players are hardly going to say, "yeah we threw it at him, hehehehe". You can't get bigger hints than that.
Shut up Matt.

Unless there is evidance to show they didnt do it, then they did it. It was a prank, i mean spending 8 hours a day at a cricket ground does things to your brain. It was a prank which wasnt taken well by Zaheer (Was it?) obviously one of the slips where up to no good, my bets are in for Collywobble, or it could have been Prior :p

Either way, its a little childish, but things like that can give a bit of inspiration to the team, a bit of a laugh can make wonders happen.
Show me a picture and i'll believe it. None of them have actually said "We threw jellybeans on the pitch", they've said things like "he prefers pink ones" and "I prefer winegums" none of which actually need the involvement of jellybeans to be said. Now you can accept that or you can carry on arguing with someone who's opinion isn't going to be changed unless there is conclusive evidence.

does it really matter? at this rate we should be creating a new forum called '' :)
Is there any pictures of the jellybeans on the pitch? No. Have the umpires said anything about it? No. Have the players actually fully admitted to it? No. I'm not being stubborn, i'm just refusing to believe something that is yet to be proven as concrete. It'll all be a lot clearer come the end of the match when it could well be proved to be true, but until then it didn't happen.

Now call me childish all you want, that's as feasible a response as you can get.
Look boys, can we drop the jellybeans saga?

Is it really anything to do with Cricket, i thought the chat in these sections where "a little more grown up."

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