India in England/Ireland/Scotland

Shut up Matt.

Unless there is evidance to show they didnt do it, then they did it. It was a prank, i mean spending 8 hours a day at a cricket ground does things to your brain. It was a prank which wasnt taken well by Zaheer (Was it?) obviously one of the slips where up to no good, my bets are in for Collywobble, or it could have been Prior :p

Either way, its a little childish, but things like that can give a bit of inspiration to the team, a bit of a laugh can make wonders happen.

If you don't like my opinion then don't listen, don't be rude and tell me to shut up. Adarsh doesn't agree with me but he doesn't go acting like an arse telling me to shut up.

Fair enough you think that if there's isn't enough evidence to show they didn't do it makes it an actual event. That's entirely feasible. But my reverse opinion is also entirely feasible.

Is it really anything to do with Cricket, i thought the chat in these sections where "a little more grown up."

Yes, it is. As it took part in a very important cricket match.
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Look boys, can we drop the jellybeans saga?

Is it really anything to do with Cricket, i thought the chat in these sections where "a little more grown up."

ok forget the '', im sure a Sub-Forum will work nicely for evertonfan.:)
The shut up comment was probably meant to be in italics as it wasnt a request, it was just prompting you to stop your stubborness.

Look, it was a bit of fun between the England camp, i mean its not a plane flying overhead is it? Disrupting a match. Like i said, that amount of time over 5 days stood there can make you a bit desperate of a laugh, and thats all it was.

Now can we talk about bloody cricket and not what the Indians favourite colour jelly bean is!

Yes, it is. As it took part in a very important cricket match.

Im sorry, how has Jelly Beans got anything remotely to do with a cricket match? You can say it has, but it really hasn't!
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The fact of the matter is Simon, it's probably going to be talked about for a few days and maybe even weeks now, so it is very much a cricket related discussion.
Ok then, if its a cricket related discussion, i like the red ones. Matt, whats your favourite?

See i can be stubborn and childish aswell.
Im sorry, how has Jelly Beans got anything remotely to do with a cricket match? You can say it has, but it really hasn't!

Well in case you haven't heard, there was an incident involving jellybabies today which took place at Trent Bridge, a cricket ground which was in the process of hosting a Test cricket match between India and England; Two cricket playing nations.

Good enough for you?

Not a fan of jellybabies Simon, I like midget gems.
Just because a jelly bean is on a cricket pitch it makes it part of cricket? .....people have weird standards these days. So if a bird flies through a cricket stadium it makes it part of a cricket match?
Just because a jelly bean is on a cricket pitch it makes it part of cricket? .....people have weird standards these days. So if a bird flies through a cricket stadium it makes it part of a cricket match?

No, it doesn't make it part of cricket. It makes it part of this cricket match, which is a part of this series which this thread is covering.
By Matts rules yes, the bird could be a talking point.

And, i'd rather have the old fruit pastels from the corner shop, but i can stand a few Jelly Beans.
If the bird was a deliberate tactic by the England fielders to distract Zaheer Khan, then yes it would be. Really childish of them.
I've said nothing about birds. Don't know where you're getting that from me old mucker.

Matt, just shutup

If you don't like what i'm saying then fine, there is no need for you to listen. But once again, there's no need to be rude by telling me to shut up.
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Saw a big seagull down the Old Trafford when Hampshire where playing there, i mean, made me miss 20 minutes of the match :p

So, who reckons KP's tecnique is totally un-sound, classy baseball player though :p
He has a perfect technique. One of the best i've seen; Has a problem with left-armers which is partly down to the fact that he hasn't faced many before.

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