India in England/Ireland/Scotland

If you don't like what i'm saying then fine, there is no need for you to listen. But once again, there's no need to be rude by telling me to shut up.
The reason a few people are getting annoyed is because people like the Guardian, Cricinfo and the BBC have acknowledged the fact. You can't even seem to read between the lines of the statements from Prior and Collingwood.

Just cause Anderson's had a crap match :p .
lets look further into it, would it depend on what type of bird it is? come on Matt youre an expert on this...

Why all this talk of birds related to me all of a sudden? I don't know anything about birds and i've said nothing which could possibly give that impression. I'm sorry, but i'll have to pass on this question.
Look Dhoni, its getting into childish now, me and Matt, and im sure Adarsh are just putting a bit of light humour to it.

Matt, i dunno about you, but ive faced many SLA, but only one or two of the seamer type people, your right it is rare to face them, and the angles of normal shots change considerably. The most technically sound batsmen in the shambles of a collapsing team is probably Vaughan, only if he could master the old Hook "n" pull, it'd be good!
The reason a few people are getting annoyed is because people like the Guardian, Cricinfo and the BBC have acknowledged the fact. You can't even seem to read between the lines of the statements from Prior and Collingwood.

Just cause Anderson's had a crap match :p .

I can read between plenty line. Papers acknowledge things like ths all the time, and a lot of the time they don't turn out to be true. No one has openly admitted it yet and there are still not photos to suggest it's true.

Anderson's been wayward in this match. Consistency has always been a problem for him; I thought he'd overcome it in the last match. Maybe his haircut has lost him a bit of rhythm.
Thing with Anderson, and dont get me wrong here, but i think he might be a bit lazy, lacking a bit of stamina. He'll have buckets full more than me.

But he comes out usually, first 5 overs of a spell, perfect, maybe one odd wide, nothing to troublesome. Gets a little further into the 6th over he starts to over step etc. He could do with watching more Hoggard and less Mahmood :p
What do you think about England's tail? They seem to be pretty poor now. Most teams have someone decent at No.8 or No.9. India have Kumble. Zaheer can bat too.
True. Sidebottom seems to be decent, but I think Dravid's giving him too much respect by giving him the single !

I suppose Anderson's much worse though....nudge nudge.
Englands tail need a Donald of a batting coach. I mean Flower is good n all but we need someone who can offer concrete support. Maybe someone with a bit of proper attitude.

I think Sidebottom impressed today, and from watching Tremlett he can bat the occasional 20-30 runs if needed. Anderson is totally useless, and well Monto, is just Monty, he can slash 20, or run a duck!
Well that's the problem with losing Giles. In his later years he was pretty much guaranteed to get you a 20 or a 30 but you'd have to put up with his 1/60 bowling effort. Panesar will win us more games, but is very unlikely to contribute with the bat. Harmison was a pretty decent batsman which is why i'm a fan of him being in the squad, Hoggard can hold up an end, Jones can score a few runs, Mahmood is a genuine number 8, Anderson's batting has taken a massive decline, Sidebottom looks to be a very capable batsman, Tremlett is nonsense, Broad is also more than capable from the little i've seen of him.

We do have a decentish tail when certain players are fit, but we've been very unlucky with injuries in recent years.
Hes a proper number 11, you dont say anything against Mcgrath do you Dhoni? Hes probably worse than Jimmy!
Anderson used to be a contender for number 8 when he came in, and he was very capable, but all the time he's sent re-modelling his action has led to him spending less time working on his batting skills, hence the decline.
Stuart Broad is a better bowler than Tremlett, better batter than Tremlett and a better fielder. Just thought I'd let my feelings known :p

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