India in England/Ireland/Scotland

So you don't think this Jelly Bean issue has been blown out of proportion?
I haven't really been following the whole jellybean farce as it really doesn't matter but does anyone have any footage of a jellybean being thrown onto the wicket?

I'll put the beamer\bouncer issue down to a bowler having a bad day, I'm sure the match referee had a word about it when he was dealing with the Vaughn incident and as such it's done and dusted for me.
It was childish, yeah, but people shouldn't start calling England's on-field behaviour poor as if these incidents that happen nearly every Test Match.
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It didn't so that's irrelevent. Clearly Sreesanth's beamer was far more serious than some jelly beans yet for some reason the English are the real villains here.

Note I am not saying the English weren' unacceptable in their actions rather that the Indians were just as bad.
I fail to see how one players actions for India make them as bad. It seems the jellybeans incident had quite a few players involved in it, and even at the press conference, players refused to take it seriously at all.

Sreesanth's beamer was not more serious than any other beamer in international cricket but it is obviously being looked at with a different spectacle because of Sreesanth's behavior. He apologized immediately after he bowled it and KP seemed happy with the apology if footage of him chatting with Dravid during the over-break was anything to go by.

On the other hand, it is clear that the Indians were not happy with the jellybeans incident.
Well the big difference is that a beamer can cause bodily harm, whilst a jelly bean can make an annoyed cricketer have a whinge about nothing.

If anyone was noticing, there was a game of cricklet going on, and giving such scrutiny to some jellybeans on the field, and a beamer which no one can prove was intentional anyway, is silly.

Jelly beans will not hurt anyone, and frankly, anyone who is distracted by them needs to sort out their mental concentration issues.
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Well the big difference is that a beamer can cause bodily harm, whilst a jelly bean can make an annoyed cricketer have a whinge about nothing.

If anyone was noticing, there was a game of cricklet going on, and giving such scrutiny to some jellybeans on the field, and a beamer which no one can prove was intentional anyway, is silly.

Jelly beans will not hurt anyone, and frankly, anyone who is distracted by them needs to sort out their mental concentration issues.

Let the aussies come in india we will throw some jelly beans and then we will see what you guys do.:rolleyes:
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There's no proof that any jelly beans were thrown. Yes they were on the pitch but there's nothing to proof they were thrown onto the pitch.

Storm in an Italian Coffee Cup (they are smaller ya see).

  • Jellygate scandal arose when two tail enders were at the crease
  • Jelly beans are not going to cause uneven bounce. A cricket ball is so much harder and would crush the jelly bean.
  • Why is this an issue when Sreesanth exposed gross misconduct? e.g the beamer, the deliberate no ball and the determination to **** everyone off?
I fail to see how one players actions for India make them as bad. It seems the jellybeans incident had quite a few players involved in it, and even at the press conference, players refused to take it seriously at all.

Whose to say it was more than one player involved n the jellybean issue (Probably Cook)? The fact that they were joking about it does not prove involvement, merely that they do not take it seriously and acknowledge that it has been blown out of proprotion. I assume it is against the rules so whoever it was should be punished, like Sreesanth was for his actions, but the jelly beans were not worse than the potential physical damage of Sreesanth;s bowling.

^^ Typical Englishmen.

Why? Because he bases his conclusion on proof available rather than wild speculation?
Come on. It's all dead and buried now. I think the two teams have got over it. It's the media and the fans who're making a mountain out of a molehill.

As for those complaining about Sreesanth's beamer: such accidents do happen from time to time in International cricket and I can never believe that any bowler would bowl one deliberately with malicious intent. Sreesanth apologized at once and it was obviously genuine, so get over it, English fans.

Why is this an issue when Sreesanth exposed gross misconduct? e.g the beamer, the deliberate no ball and the determination to **** everyone off?

Sreesanth was fined by the Match-referee so you cannot say he got away with his misconducts.

Let's all focus on the next game. I think discussing the same incidents over and over again blows incidents out of proportion. To be honest, I think Zaheer over-reacted a bit to the jellybean episode. He should have probably talked quietly to an umpire instead of brandishing his bat. Again, I think Indian fans make too much of it... it was obviously a joke by the English players and I doubt whether anybody seriously sledged the Indian players.

So let there be peace. I think all Indian players and English players have put these episodes behind them. Let us fans show similar maturity and get on with the events to follow.
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Agree with Hari. There's no point trying to agree over what happened there because everyone's going to try and get their final opinion in nevertheless.

Anyhow, I am glad the two teams looked really passionate about the game. There was a lot of intensity on the field which shows how much this series means for both the sides. Hopefully the same intensity will go into the next game, with a little more maturity from a few players on each side.

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