International Cricket 2010 Impressions Thread

Tea: India 251/3

Tendulkar 113* (155)
Gambir 85 (134)

Quite honestly India not giving me a sniff.

For a bit after Harris got Gambir it went quiet scoring was slow and they were leaving and defending everything.

PLeasing to see though Tendulkar began to attack Harris who was plodding along at 3.2 an over but is now going at 4.6 forcing me to make a change.

One pleasing thing i noted was that second to last over before Tea Steyn got Tendulkar to play and miss at one, resulting in his fearless bar lowering slightly! When i followed this up with a bouncer it went from fearless down to bold after he got struck in the chest. For the remainder of the over he just blocked and left it alone.

Interestingly in the final over by Morkel as soon as I bowled a little too short or not execute it spot on he pounced on it pulling Morkel for a four and then driving him down the ground for another.

What good bout this is that it seems when a batsmen is in, you have to execute everything spot on to keep him quiet, as soon as you stray in line length or quality you get taken apart. As you would to a set batsmen.

Cracking game!
Just got the game this morning. Decided to play a Test Match between South Africa (me) and India at Cape Town overcast conditions.

After 10 overs India where 66/3. It was satisfying to see the first wicket I got was Gambhir cleaned bowled by Morkel around the wicket of a good length delivery with it shaping into him, something that you could not do at all in AC2009. I got Sehwag out played onto the stumps which was also satisying and Dravid nicked one to the slips.

Although the run-rate was high for the first 10 overs this was because I was bowling different lines and lengths.

My initial impressions are this game is a definite improvement over AC2009 but on the other hand all these ai features could of easily been added onto the console patch for AC2009 if it was released. One negative I noticed is if you bowl full with a fast bowler the ai sometimes play a back foot hook shot or a paddle sweep. Good to see there was no run out bug either.

However this is a really good cricket game I have to say since Brian Lara 99. Hopefully these guys at trickstar can continue on improving the game in future titles.
OMG if wealey has to follow on I'll be quite happy indeed. Nothing personal, just to see that happen in a cricket game....
OMG if wealey has to follow on I'll be quite happy indeed. Nothing personal, just to see that happen in a cricket game....

This is a high possibility, if i can im going to try and bat properly and pace it properly!

Just to say i will play this match from start to finish to see how it all pans out!
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This is a high possibility, if i can im going to try and bat properly and pace it properly!

Just to say i will play this match from start to finish to see how it all pans out!

The problem with cricket games is that I am always so dominant with the bat, that even if my bowling is average I have so many runs on the board I'm always in control.
Update India 120/3 Lunch

Well after I got 3 wickets in the first 10 overs India then dug in created a solid partnership between Tendulkar and Laxman.

The bowling speeds for the bowlers are very accurate with the exception of parnell I could just about get a top speed of 80 mph with him.

One good positive I noticed was Steyn was getting hit around so his confidence levels dropped where as Morkel picked up all 3 wickets his confidence was high. This could be seen in the actual gameplay as the bastman targeted Styen when he bowled and were more cautious against Morkel.
The problem with cricket games is that I am always so dominant with the bat, that even if my bowling is average I have so many runs on the board I'm always in control.

Action cam, HUD off, if you smash it around, then you are god!
alright guys new here. Been playing my first test on hard today.
Eng (Me) v Aus
Lunch on day 1
Aus 119-1 of 30 overs.

I have bowled about 25 no balls, so not to dissapointed with it, have also dropped 3 catches with prior of Swann bowling.

The only problem i have is i dont look like taking a wicket of the seamers.
70 overs: India 299/3 Tendulkar 138* Laxman 27*

This is turning out to be a day to forget for the South African unless wickets fall quickly in the remaining 20 overs.

Steyn has looked the most threatening beating the bat and finding the edge but is yet to find that wicket taking ball. His 18-2-91-0 at 5.06 is now getting exspensive as Tendulkar looks to cash in.

Morkel with 19-3-0-63 has been the most economic at 3.32 but ironically the least threatening.

Harris with 16-2-78-3 has grabbed the wicket 2 gift and one classic delivery to pick up Dravid but he now is feeling the force of Tendulkar.

Anything now that is slightly offline or length to Tendulkar is getting punished. The rate is increasing with him the crease as you would exepect.

Just to give you an idea of the balance of gameplay in total there have been 18 4's and 3 6's hit.
alright guys new here. Been playing my first test on hard today.
Eng (Me) v Aus
Lunch on day 1
Aus 119-1 of 30 overs.

I have bowled about 25 no balls, so not to dissapointed with it, have also dropped 3 catches with prior of Swann bowling.

The only problem i have is i dont look like taking a wicket of the seamers.

I was the same when i first started although i bowled tight i did not look like getting wickets, but with swann i felt like i could cause alot of problems.
Got my first lbw today with sidebottom it felt ridiculously good, selected out swinger, but changed it to in swinger at last second on the light green good length area, out plumb hitting top of middle.
The wicket has a really low bounce so normally anything at good length area will go over the stumps i reckon, so had a bit of luck there.

Good game so far, hope online gets sorted today or tomorrow couldnt connect to friends online last night

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