International Cricket 2010 Impressions Thread

Im going to give you my honest opinion of what i can make out from my little experience so far.
I dont personally think weather conditions or pitch condition make any difference in the outcome of your particular match type,i think it depends how good the individual playing is.
If your not good scores can go anywhere upto and beyond 500.
If your a good player you will get them out for less than 300 everytime.
Just my personal view and i really hope im wrong but im not that optimistic right now.
I couldnt wait to get home and get on the game yesterday but after today right now i can take it or leave it, not fussed.

Cheers. Mmmm, these mixed reviews are giving me a headache! Suppose I just have to decide whether to take the plunge or not. I have bought every single cricket game there is. this is different though as I need to buy a console to play it...:facepalm
Just skittled the Windies (on HARD) for 100 in 30.3 overs on my first ever game. Oh dear.

5 ducks at the bottom of their order :eek:

Hopefully It was beginners luck. :(
If you will use it for other games aswell its worth it but if it is just for one game i'd be enclined to wait abit longer to see how online turns out once it finally gets sorted.
Its better than ashes but if you look at it that its a year on since the 1st game i think in that amount of time it should be better no doubt, offline i think we will all be bored in a month.

Golden 28 i think it is just the game mate i doubt it is a one off
Ok, I've decided to turn this match into a test of the AI batting.

I've again simulated England's (second) innings and have set the Windies a target of 414 to win the match with 3 days still to play!

Will see how they handle it, hopefully better than their first!
Right hold on, let me just say something.

These are my innings from the AI so far.

South Africa 195
Australia 213
Pakistan 125
India 675-6 dec

Now im good, i played ashes 2009 to death, i can stop the marker at will in the green zone, i can pitch it perfectly. I use good tactics and good fields. Its not rocket science.

I also have a good cricket brain.

But when i say the Indians on a sunny day on a great deck at the oval gave me no chances i mean it. They were far to good.

The other games were on cloudy days and it was far far easier.

If im good enough to roll them from low scores, how on earth did they get 675-6!!!
Thats not even a slight improvement! They destroyed me!

One thing i will say, i have switched between broadcast and action cam while bowling, and when im using broadcast the AI seems to bat better!?

Also Chelsea boy i must really stress this point: Yesterday people would of seen i was puzzled at the AI low scores and i was concerned!.... But today it has been totally different!
First of all, if you are not using the Action Cam when bowling then you really should mention that earlier since we all assume that you were.

Action Cam and no HUD, lets see you skittle them out then.
First of all, if you are not using the Action Cam when bowling then you really should mention that earlier since we all assume that you were.

Dunno if that was at me, but i am! HUD off aswell. Just used broadcast when India were 500 odd for 3 and depression was setting in and sight of my bowlers bum was getting on my nerves lol!
What are some of you guys doing in terms of HUD? Like chelsea boy, Golden, people getting low scores
Well I've also read the whole thread. Seems remarkably positive for the cricket-gaming community! Most people are usually trying to re-sell their copies by now ;)
had my first game in a 20/20 world cup earlier on hard , min hud on everything
i was england , had a really good game although i should of won, was cruising at one stage , i really struggle with patience

PAK 203/7 afridi 99* ( at one stage PAK were 88/5 ) afridi once set took me to pieces

ENG 161 allout (15.1) KP 48 Morgan 47 Wright 34
What are some of you guys doing in terms of HUD? Like chelsea boy, Golden, people getting low scores

I'm using broadcast cam to bowl with full HUD.

The Windies are now 20/0

Gayle 8 (27)
Berate? 9 (24)

Playing exactly as they should based on needing 390 to win now with three days to go. How long wil it last though?
Dunno if that was at me, but i am! HUD off aswell. Just used broadcast when India were 500 odd for 3 and depression was setting in and sight of my bowlers bum was getting on my nerves lol!

It was at chelasea boy, he is saying he is skittling them but he is not even using Action Cam :facepalm

Action Cam and No HUD, i want to see someone win a test match using those setting.
Action Cam and No HUD, i want to see someone win a test match using those setting.

Well its
India 675/6 dec
South Africa 120/9

I could grant your wish lol!

Trust me put your money on the draw!! im not going down without a fight lol!
I have bowled

South Africa out for 400 odd and 500 odd
Aussie out for 150 and 574

Now with the Aussie game you cant say im not good enough when i bowl them out for 150 but in the follow on the score 574 ? Its just weather and pitch changing through the game and the a.i batting having big improvments which makes it a good game !

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