International Cricket 2010 Impressions Thread

Wow great find and actually has some new information. Confirms that the sounds have been changed and are much more detailed.

Lol at the post launch support question, you can tell Trickstar would be willing, hopefully Codemasters aren't dicks and let them change what they think would improve the game.
Indeed. One would hope Codemasters actively seek to acquire licences of teams or at the very least (as they have done in the past) events such as World Cup or Champions Trophy
Good interview from Heath. I also picked up on their willingness to patch, but of course he had to state that it was ultimately a Codemasters decision. He also confirmed what we already knew about the lack of a PC version - too many damn pirates.
Just wondering mattw, did heath smith say anything about a tweaked ashes ic 2010 for xmas. Also have you got ur game yet, i should have it by late next week. So i will do a small late review for all. cant mate to play online and some test matching vs ai.:banana2
Apologies if this has already been answered, but does the game keep a track of the runs, wickets etc etc that you score when you're playing ? i.e. does it keep your stats ?
just payed the game for the first time
jumped straight to tutorials
action cam is real good introduction
still have to complete bowling tutorials

as i am a more online player so thought shud get my first online game
but to my surprise i cud not find any opponent
tried for 10 mins but all in vain
looked at stats n again only wins loss and draw was all i cud see
dunno if we can see details like suns scored,wickets taken etc

again these are early impressions hope to get a game with some old members from PC soon
tried the game for like an hour and I am simply blown away by the game.Never enjoyed bowling in life. but bowling is looking really good in this game.As far as action cam is concerned I might use it in single player but I never really like camera behind the stump.SO I will play by broad cast view for now.But overall game is a big improvement over ashes cricket 2009 and get 8 out of 10 for now.
Shopto was deffo the quickest, dont know about cheapest though!!! Im getting mine from asda on release day. Im busy till friday (day off) so if i had it ide just be really grumpy that i couldnt play it! Its ?26.91 at asda.

I'm avoiding shopto, after all I've read about them today. ?26.91, eh? I bet it isn't that price in London.
They really need to rework the wicket keeping motions and physics to spinners because they are absolutely terrible. Keepers constantly diving a meter in the space of a second to catch a leg side edge is ridiculous, only criticism of the gameplay so far.

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