Kevin Pietersen Resigns As England Captain And Peter Moores sacked as Coach

I agree with Dan. I think KP was out of order. You don't just go voicing of about your coach to the media, it is a recipe for disaster. Strauss for captain now. He has done it before and has a ton of experience.
Well.. Strauss for captain then. But i feel monty would be a thrilling choice LOL! Just assume it! :laugh..
Well, what a disaster! These problems in the back room staff is why we were beaten 5-0 in the last ashes series. This needs to get sorted straight away and a new coach and captain need to be named very quickly.

I hear Andy Flower is going to be coach to the WI tour.
Flower and Strauss looks a good combination! I do remember Mike Atherton's article upon KP's appointment as captain, he predicted this would end in tears and so it has.
Why not? Shane Warne did it.

Shane Warne's as much of a tool then clearly. You just don't make public demands to see your coach sacked. The public persona of the team is supposed to be that it's a tight knit unit, that they're all pulling the same way, and all getting along nicely. That may not be the case within the actual camp, but that's the way it should be percieved by the public. As the Cricinfo argument states, with a quote from someone within the ECB, you don't make ultimatum's if you want to keep your job.

As much as I like Kevin Pietersen, I can admit he's completely in the wrong here. You just don't come in and undermine the management, especially so soon after getting the job. There's no doubting that Pietersen has made himself look an utter tool here, but it could work in England's favour. He'll know he's got something to prove now, and it could set him up to have his best year in Test cricket, or it could go the other way and ruin his career. We'll have to wait and see.

And Ben, to pick you up on a comment you made in the other thread relating to this, Pietersen is far from a cricketing genius. No cricketing genius would have allowed the Indian's to win that first test match given the good position England were in, India should never have been able to make 400+ fourth innings. This incident as well proves he's no genius. He's a class batsman, but not a genius.

King Pietersen added 0 Minutes and 55 Seconds later...

Graham Ford is rumoured to be the man in line for the job. Not a bad choice, he's done well for Kent. A Kent bias wouldn't be a bad thing either, means we'll get to see Key and Denly in the side :D Just so long as GoJo doesn't get another go I'll be happy.
They're both to blame. Pietersen shouldn't have gone so public with his displeasure at the situation. Peter Moores should never have altered the squad that Pietersen was leading to the WIndies without Pietersen's knowledge and behind his back.

Strauss to skipper, Flower as interim coach for the Windies. Doubt they'll appoint Ford as it's who Pietersen was wanting, so appointing him would seem like giving into KP, which they obviously don't want to give the message of.
Doubt they'll appoint Ford as it's who Pietersen was wanting, so appointing him would seem like giving into KP, which they obviously don't want to give the message of.

Apart from Andy Flower, there isn't many options, so it's either him or Ford.
Of course he is. They're not going to kick out easily their best player just because of a dispute with the coach. He rightly resigned as Captain, as he's made a prat out of himself, but he will still be playing for England, that's for certain.
To be fair, Pietersen's record as captain isn't all that good - he won a dead rubber test against SA, followed by an excellent ODI series, but since then we've lost the Sandford match, for destroyed in the ODIs in India, then lost the test series.

I do think Strauss is the best candidate for Test captain, but he's not really in the ODI side. Appointing Pietersen was a way out of the split captaincy but I can't see any alternatives here - which plays have a guarenteed place in both sides? Pietersen, Flintoff (been there done that), Broad, Anderson, possibly Bell and Prior. No obvious captains in there, possibly Bell the best of the bunch.
You don't issue an ultimatum if you want to keep your job...

Problem is, KP didn't need the job. He didn't need to be England skipper, England needed him to be skipper. He was their best bet for the Ashes. How many players in the current England setup can stand up and look Australia in the eyes? How many can be to England what Smith was to RSA or Dhoni/Kumble were to India?

KP was England's hope, and the ECB has messed it up by not giving him what he wants.

Warne made it clear that if he was going to captain the Rajasthan Royals, he was going to do it without a coach. I think he had similar powers while at Hampshire. Both times he didn't ask to be skipper, but the club needed him, and so gave into his demands. England should have done the same here.

KP's lost captaincy, no big deal to him. England will be the ones to suffer from this...
KP didn't lose the captaincy. He resigned. He was never sacked by the ECB, leaving the door open for a return to the captaincy when the new coach comes in. Pretty sure Straussy will get the tenure for the Windies away series though, and if he performs well, possibly the Home Windies series and then the Ashes. He should have led England in Australia in 2006/7 so maybe he'll get his chance here. I can see KP getting his job back though tbh.

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